Chapter 8: "Shadow Knight"

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Aphmau met up with Garroth for another training session, although things went differently than normal.

"Wait. Why?" Aphmau asked.

"It may be useful." said Garroth.

"How would pretending to be a shadow knight useful?" asked Aphmau.

"Look." said Garroth "It pains me to think about it but people will try to make you turn. All I'm asking is for you to act. Who knows, maybe at some point, you need to convince another shadow knight that you are one when your not. By practicing, you might be able to."

"I still don't see why this would be relevant."  said Aphmau.

"I too think that it may be a stretch, but when you joked yesterday about it, the idea came across my mind." said Garroth.

Ok. I'll start now. Thought Aphmau. She changed her voice slightly and pulled out her sword. "Unfortunately for you, yesterdays joke wasn't actually a joke." she winked at him to hint that she started.

Garroth put his hand on his sword's handle. He winked back. "What do you mean by that Lady Aphmau?" Garroth asked.

"What I mean is... I'm not the Aphmau you once knew." She said

Garroth unsheathed his sword. "What have you done with her?!" He asked.

  "She is gone." said Aphmau. "I'm Aphmau now!" She charged at Garroth. He deflected the attack.

"No." He said "I refuse to believe that!"

"Believe it!" Aphmau said.

Then they had a duel. Attacks got blocked, deflections, the cling sound of when swords hit each other (I'm bad at describing fights).

"Ha!" said Aphmau (still using her slightly changed voice) as she swung her sword. "You can't harm me as long as you think your precious Aphmau is still within me. Well wake up!" Aphmau swung again "She's gone."

Garroth deflected "I refuse to believe you!" He said.

"Your either with me or dead Garroth!" Aphmau said "Your choice!"

"Why would you even become a shadow knight Lady Aphmau?" Garroth asked.

"That question I will not answer, but I'll tell you that I'm happy to not remember!" Said Aphmau.

"Are you really happy Lady Aphmau? Are you really?" He asked.

"My happiness is none of your concern!" Said Aphmau.

The fight went on for another minute then Aphmau came up with an idea.

She dropped her sword and fell to the ground. Using her most helpless yet realistic voice possible she spoke. "Garroth... I'm... so... sorry." Then she closed her eyes.

Garroth went onto both knees beside Aphmau and started to shake her. "Lady Aphmau! Lady Aphmau! Speak to me!" He said desperately.

Then Aphmau punched him in the face. She felt bad for doing that but she didn't let it show. Wait. Did I knock him out?

She noticed that while Garroth was on the ground he mouthed "Ow.". Aphmau tried not to laugh.

"I thought you out of all people would be smart enough to wear a helmet Garroth. Now. What to do with you." Aphmau said in her "Shadow knight voice. "I know! The obey dust." Aphmau pulled sand from out of her pocket, and threw it onto Garroth. I hope it didn't get into his eyes. Aphmau thought.

Just then Garroth got up. He had a blank look on his face.

"Hello Garroth. Feeling better?" Aphmau asked then did an evil laugh.

"I've come to my senses and decided to join you." said Garroth in a slightly different voice.

"Thats a good prince." Said Aphmau. "Now was that so hard?

Then Aphmau walked sassy yet slyly over to a tree. Like how Shasha walkes. Aphmau leaned agents the tree. "You put up quite the fight Garroth, I'll give you that."

"Lady Aphmau, may I ask how long you've been a shadow knight for?" Asked Garroth blankly. 

"Longer than you think." Aphmau said.

"I see." Said Garroth "Lady Aphmau-"

"Please Garroth." Aphmau interrupted. "When we are alone call me Shadow Aphmau."

"Alright Shadow Aphmau." Said Garroth "I think that's enough acting for one day." Garroth's voice went back to normal. 

"Ok." Aphmau's voice also went back to normal. 

"Your a really great actress Lady Aphmau. " said Garroth "You had me almost convinced that you were a shadow knight even though I knew you were only acting."

"Thanks! I was starting to get nervous about you actually being under a spell or something." Aphmau said.

"I guess we are both pretty good at acting." Said Garroth.

"I guess." Said Aphmau. "Now, shall we get to the training part of this now?"

"Of course Lady Aphmau." Said Garroth.

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