Chapter 2

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I pulled up to the University of Bristol entrance. It looked more like a cathedral than a college. I stared out of my dirty car window at the spiraling towers and clock at the top. It chimed with a steady ring, ring, ring. My mouth dropped open just at the ginormous sight of it all. This was going to be my life.

At first, I felt like I just didn't deserve all of this. I was a big city girl as far back as I could remember. Born into a lower-middle class family with just enough money to make a living. I never was popular, I never had a Facebook or Twitter or YouTube account. The one thing I knew is that someday I would see the world. The world outside of our one-floor 3 bedroom flat and our neighborhood in Islington, London. And here I was. And now that I finally got there, I wasn't quite as sure I was ready for becoming an adult. 

Of course, being 18 had its perks. I could drink, I could drive wherever I wanted, I could have a real boyfriend ( but not like that was ever going to happen), but most importantly, I could  follow my dream. And nothing was going to steer me away from it. 

I took a deep breath and rolled my lucky dove necklace in my fingers for good luck. I parked my car in the Student parking area and walked off to the small building off to the side labeled Registration for New Students. The strong October breeze whipped my frizzy orange-red hair around my face. I hated my hair. It was too curly to even try to manage. My amounts of product I used where still never enough to keep it down. I stumbled across the pavement in my  heels twice and was surprised to make it to the door alive. 

The woman at the front desk looked up from her papers. She was a squat, little lady with 60s style glasses on the bridge of her nose. I held in a giggle. 

"Oh, my dear! Come on in, don't be shy! You must be Scarlett Maudshire. Welcome to the University of  Bristol.  I'm Mrs. Crafting. The Student Administrator and Systems of the Body teacher. Sit down, sit down. Now let's see, a secured marks level of 81 and first class honours! And I assume you're starting an undergraduate degree in Medicine? You're quite lucky, dear. Over 3000 applivcants and you are one of only 200 who made it into our prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences .

" Yes, Madam."

" Well, then I'll be seeing alot of you in my class? Alright, I'll let you get settled in, now. You'll be staying in Student flat 3. Room number 254. Here at the University of Bristol, we take pride in making all of our students feel welcome. Part of that new initiative is our program where we pair a new student with an attending student to be a sort of guide to help make our newer students feel welcome. Its usually someone with the same undergraduate degree, there was no one of your major in Student flat 3. So your pair willl be Mr. Jack Harries. Charming young man, studying Drama and theater. Plenty of other lovely students, I'm sure you'll take a liking to all of them. And no need to call me Madam, I'm simply Mrs.Crafting." 

I nodded my head in gratitude and took my room key. Jack Harries. He sounded oddly familiar. I couldn't wait to finally see my room and Jack, of course. I hoped he was nice because by the sound of it, I'll have to be spending alot of time with him. 

I got back into my car and drove past all of the beautiful sights on the campus. From the Wills Memorial Building to the Gardens of Godney Hall. I finally came to the Student Flats after getting lost 3 times. I got out of the car and started to lug my ginormous suitcase out of the trunk. I finally got it out after 5 straight minutes. It was eerily silent, with only the sounds of the birds chirping and the trees swaying. I guessed everyone was either in class or skipping class. God, this thing was twice my size! Did I really pack this much? 

I held my suitcase in one hand, and a stack of papers in the other with all of my courses. My eyes skimmed back and forth over every word. My goal for the next five years was absolutely to completely focus on my future. I would let no distractions stray me away. No skipping, no drinking and absolutely no boys.

CRASH! I wasn't looking where I was going and walked right into someone. My forehead felt like my veins where going to pop right out of it.  my hand flew to  my head and felt a bump. Shit, shit, shit, I had class tommorow, what on this earth was I going to do?!?

"Sorry, oh god, I am so sorry, that was completely my fault. I'm Jack Harries by the way. " I looked up and saw the hottest boy I had ever seen in my life. He had gorgeous green eyes that stared at me with worry, and light brown hair that looked like it had shades of blonde in the sun. After a moment, I realized I was staring intently at his lips. 

I quickly snapped out of it. No boys, remember? " No, I'm the one who crashed into you, it's my fault. I'm Scarlett. Maudshire. But most people just call me Scar." 

"Bloody hell, that is quite the bump you've got there! Damn, I did that? Come, follow me, I'm going to try and find you an ice pack in my room. And we should probably start getting to know each other Scarlett . After all, I'm going to be your new best friend." He said with a wink. 

And I followed him while clutching my forehead and wondering: What did I just get myself into?

A/N: Scarlett meets Jack, YAYYYYYYY! I feel like I'm living through her, haha. 

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