Chapter 14

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I sat in the crowded auditorium, scanning the people for any businessy looking guys with clipboards, the talent scouts. I looked down at my program in my lap, my palms were sweating and my heart was hammering even though I wasn't even the one up on stage, Jack was.

The curtains finally opened and the theatre went quiet. I watched as Jack recited Shakespeare from memory. The actors were so fluent and expressive, I couldn't really understand how they did it. I always had a bit of stage fright ever since running off the stage during the school production of Cinderella in the 5th grade.

I flinched when Lysander/Jack kissed the beautiful Hermia for the 3rd time in the play and the pang of jealousy was a bit stronger this time. I had to remind myself again that it was just acting.


The final scene finally came to a close and the whole auditorium rose to their feet, including myself as the whole cast bowed. No one cheered, it was just very formal, quiet clapping. When the individual bows came on, Jack was first, I started to scream and even did a little fist pump thing. That earned me a disapproving glare from the old lady in front of me.

After a few minutes, most of the theater had cleared and it was just me, the talent scouts and the actors. I watched as they stopped writing in their clipboards and finally rose up. I felt as if I could feel each of the actors hearts stop. This was the big moment, they would discover if they had been noticed by a big time agency or had been turned down. One came up to Jack. She handed him an envelope and shook hands with him. I waited until she walked away before I ran through the cushy velvet seats towards Jack. I cautiously walked towards him and stood in front of him as he opened the envelope.

His eyes scanned the words and then in one moment, all I saw was his gorgeous smile. He scooped me up in his arms and twirled me around and around. When he put me down, I looked at the rest of the cast. Some had expressions like Jack's and were celebrating with friends, while others were crying onto the words on their rejection letters.

I hugged Jack again. "Scarlett, we did it. The acting and modeling company signed me to their label! And I still get to do Jacksgap and travel the world with Finn." He exclaimed and my heart leaped. It was so amazing seeing him so happy that it made me happy too.

"Congratulations, I am so extremely proud of-" my congrats were interrupted by a buzz coming from my bag. I reached in to press ignore but Jack stopped me. "You take that. Besides, you've already done so much for me and I have to go talk to Ms.Ashcroft."

I looked at the caller ID, I didn't know the number. "Hello?" I asked tentatively. "Scarlett, it's Dan." He sounded extremely nervous and scared. "Dan! I didn't expect you, why are you calling?"

"Listen, please you have to come back to London. It's Allegra. She went on a walk and she called me and said she thought someone was following her. Right in the middle of the call, she stopped and I heard her screaming. I reported her missing. I think someone kidnapped her. I need your help. Please, Scarlett." His voice started to crack and it was as if I could feel his panic through the phone.

Maybe one thing that I was good at was solving problems. Especially when it came to my best friends. "Hold on a minute. Those texts that Allegra had been receiving. Maybe they weren't so harmless after all. If she was kidnapped, the attacker must have been the man in the black ski mask outside her window. Does she have a tracking app on her phone? Don't panic, I'll be there as fast as I can. Stay at your apartment, don't try to look for her."

I hung up without a goodbye and ran over to Jack. He was talking to the director and I grabbed his wrist abruptly. "Sorry to interrupt."

He seemed slightly alarmed by my behavior. "This better be good, Scar."

"Get out of your costume. No time to explain, but we're going to London."

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