Ch: 10 "I think you're going soft"

Start from the beginning

"Heyyy" Luke's voice sang and I couldn't help smiling. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I told you I'd be at Amber's, why'd you ring?" I sighed.

"I'm bored, and I was thinking about you... And your pretty lips, sliding up and down my-" he began and I stopped him right there.

"Luke!" I exclaimed, getting a look from Amber, and Luke laughed down the phone.

"Oh come on! Don't pretend you don't like it" he was still laughing and I rolled my eyes. "I can hear you rolling your eyes" he added.

"Good" I let a laugh escape. "Will you leave me alone now? I'll text you later?" I offered and he sighed.

"But I had something planned, for us" his voice saddened, getting quieter. And I felt a bit bad.

"Alright, come get me then. But only because you're cute" I smiled reluctantly.

"I am pretty cute" He agreed and I could almost see his smirk. "See you soon, baby."

"See you soon" I repeated and hung up. "I gotta go" I sighed, telling Amber. "Luke says he's got something planned" I made air quotation marks with my fingers and he laughed.

"That's so cute. I'll be here, still alone, still single" she joked and I rolled my eyes. "You know if Luke has any hot friends, don't be afraid to give out my number." She winked, awkwardly, but I found it pretty funny.

"Will do" I promised, laughing. Soon enough, Luke texted me to say it was outside so I said my goodbyes and went outside to meet him.

"Well, well, well" I strolled up to the car, getting Luke's attention. He was leaned up against the outside, on his phone. He looked so hot, sunglasses and a leather jacket. A smile spread across his face as he looked up at me, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Look who finally decided she wants to spend time with me" he joked, taking off his sunglasses and hanging them on his white T-shirt.

"I didn't decide, I was guilt tripped into it" I retorted, smirking and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That is beside the point" he laughed, pulling me into him. I often forgot how blue his eyes are until I'm stating into them once again.

"Are you gonna kiss me?" I asked a bit quieter, biting my lip, but still smiling.

"Nah" he shook his head, jokingly and I hit the back of his head playfully, making him laugh before his lips joined mine. His kiss somehow managed to be warm and familiar, yet still give me butterflies every time.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered, barely audible when we pulled apart.

"I think you're going soft" I replied, and Luke laughed lightly but shook his head.

"Me? Never." He kissed me again, more passionate this time and I pushed my body into his, pressing him up against the car.

"Hey, hey." Luke pulled me away. "Later" I was no less than shocked. When did we suddenly switch roles. "I wanna take you somewhere first, then you can have your way with me." He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"What if I don't want you later?" I folded my arms, smugly.

"Just get in the car" he patted my butt. And, I'm not gonna lie, I love when he does that.


"This is the surprise?" I asked when we arrived at our destination.

"Yep!" He replied enthusiastically, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Luke, this is your flat" I told him, taking off my seatbelt too, and he rolled his eyes.

"I know that, you tit. You're meeting my friends" he exited the car, leaving me puzzled.

"Luke" I followed. "I know who you're 'friends' are, they're not good people. I'm not so sure I want to do this." I hesitated, trying not to offend him but still trying to get my point across.

"Not those assholes" he laughed lightly, he was in such a good mood, an usually good mood. "My actual friends."

"Oh" I furrowed my brows, and Luke took hold of my head.

"They'll love you, cmon" he led my inside and upstairs to his apartment. I was weirdly nervous, although I'd already met his roommate, who knows what these other guys would be like.

"Hey" I was snapped out of my thoughts, and looked up to see Luke standing outside the elevator, waiting for me. "Don't be so nervous, they're not gonna bite."

I just took his hand and he stool his key I'm the door, twisting it to open. I could hear voices but they stopped as soon as we opened the door.

"Hey" Luke greeted them casually, three boys, one of them I had already met, Michael. They were all standing around, holding instruments, one even sitting behind a fully equipt drum kit.

I stood in confusion, instruments?


Hey guys!!!

God I am so sorry this has taken so long, school has just been crazy! Thanks to everyone for your patient though, this is just a filler chapter but the next ones gonna have the rest of the boys!! As you probably have already guessed :))

Love you all so much, and I promise I won't leave it so long next time

-Ya homie, Laura ❤✌

PS. This picture of Luke makes me wanna die lol

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