Chapter 3

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 He stared at you, astonished and, you noted from the slight curve of his mouth, rather amused.

"Oh, I like you," he growled and strolled forward, black coat billowing in the crisp breeze.

You stepped over the unconscious soldier at your feet. He was snoring lightly, his mouth hanging open.

"Ugh," you exclaimed, careful to step on his fingers.

The man from the tavern reached you and knelt to examine the soldier. His mouth quirked at the corner.

"You really got him good," he said, impressed.

"I did say I could handle it, didn't I?" you snapped.

"Evidently." He stood up, placing his hands in his pockets. He nudged the soldier with one heavy black boot. "Piece of shit."

You both stood silent for a moment, watching each other warily.

"Thanks for helping back there," you said begrudgingly, casting your eyes down. "Even though I didn't need it. I'm [Name]."


Your eyes widened. You had heard that name before, as a whisper on frightened lips. It can't be, you thought. The Levi? 

"Are you afraid?" Levi asked, a smirk forming on his face.

You thought for a moment. This man was dangerous and highly wanted. And yet... You shook your head. He had helped you earlier, surely that meant he wasn't all bad? Unless he wanted something from you. You became suddenly aware of the fact that you were completely alone with this man on a deserted street. The road seemed to stretch on forever in both directions. You didn't know what to do. Should you run? Cry for help?

Levi was watching you curiously, as if he could hear the thoughts running through your head. He turned at the sudden sound of footsteps and rowdy voices. 

Three soldiers, stumbling and laughing loudly, were making their way home from the tavern. They stopped dead when they saw you and Levi with the soldier collapsed at your feet. The stood, open mouthed, and you and Levi stared back. Then one of them started forward, his face distorted with rage. The other two followed suit, one of them pulling a knife from his belt.

"You just attract trouble, don't you?" he said to you, incredulous, before strolling forward to meet them.

"Wait!" you cried. Was he about to face three men by himself? And not just any men, these were trained soldiers.

He paused to look at you and rolled his eyes, the corner of his mouth curling, and proceeded to take out one of the men with one swift kick to head.

There was a crunch and a spray of blood as Levi's boot connected with the man's jaw. Teeth clattered onto the pavement. They bounced, once, twice, and settled at your feet. You stared at them, and then back at Levi.Holy shit.

Seeing his fallen comrade, the soldier with the knife lunged forward, an angry cry on his lips. Levi simply grabbed his wrist and twisted, sending the knife clattering to the ground. He punched the soldier in the face and he jerked back, blood pouring from his broken nose.

The third soldier stopped his advance, looking around at his two fallen comrades and then back at Levi, his eyes wide with fear. He gestured to his friends and they snatched up the soldier you had knocked out and stumbled away together into the night, nursing their injuries.

Levi watched them go. "Tch."

You stared at him, suddenly very afraid and, though you would never admit it, aroused.

"How did you...?" you trailed off, unable to speak.

Levi simply smirked. It soon disappeared, however, as the sound of two sets of footsteps, perfectly in sync, floated from around the corner.

"Pigs," he growled. "They must have heard..." 

And before you could react, he had locked his lips with yours.

You struggled against him at first, your hands pushing on his chest, but he had gripped you you firmly by the hips and pushed you up against the cool brick wall. You stopped fighting, playing along, and melted into him. You could feel him smirking against your lips as he felt you respond in kind.

The soldiers chuckled at the sight before them, and continued on. Only when they had passed out of earshot did Levi release you.

He laughed at the stunned look on your face. "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting you to enjoy that."

You blushed and tried to protest, but he just laughed. It was a harsh sound, but sent your stomach fluttering all the same.

"Thanks," he said, giving you a quick peck on the lips, and then he was gone. 

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