Simple Actions

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  • Dedicated to All my awesome readers!!!!

Hi again! Sorry, it took me a while to update this story.

I don't own 07 Ghost.


Hiya! I'm Ashe Eden! I was a fairly normal girl months ago. Well, that was before I magically was transported into a different universe, one that I so happened to know extremely well actually. Yep, like in all those fanfics, I fell right into my favorite anime, 07 Ghost. This is the story of how I found myself.

--3rd POV--

The moment Ashe walked into school, she felt the normal ominous feeling piercing through the chatter in the lobby. She pushed down her fears as she walked toward the normal bench that her group of friends meets up at. And, like usual, she was the first one there.

"Hey Ashe!" her friend Jasmine chirped as she walked up to the bench. "You'll never guess what I did last night! Jay took me shopping and I got this adorable shirt and matching heels! Isn't my bf the best!"

"Of course I am," a smooth, deep voice said from behind Jasmine. Jay's arm snaked around Jasmine's petite shoulders before he gave her a peck on her cheek. To Ashe's fortune, their flirt fest was interrupted by the loud arrival of the rest of their group.

Their little group was made up of six people altogether. Jasmine, the self-proclaimed leader, was the most outgoing and a perfect example of a fashionista. Her perfect straight black hair framed her tanned face without a stray hair. She only needed a small compact to work her makeup magic; her deep green eyes always seeming to pop with only a thin coat of mascara. Jasmine had a model like pose and dignity ever since the beginning of eighth grade. Ever since she met Jay.

Jay, the only boy in their little group, seemed to be a perfect match for Jasmine. He had an uncanny ability  to slow down Jasmine's over excited personality. His blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and athletic build had every girl in the whole school swooning at his feet. Not only that, he was also a straight-A student and captain of the soccer team. He usually wore sports jerseys and Polo's with his trademark blue jeans and sneakers.

Then there were the twins. Despite the fact that they were identical sisters, with curly brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed to shift endlessly, both seemed to argue 24/7. Clare, oldest by three minutes, loved books and nature of any kind. She often nagged her sister and friends to recycle and save the Earth. Becca, on the other hand, lived to be active and play sports. Jay and her are best of friends because of their love of sports.

Every group needs a peacekeeper that avoids major fights, and Melody would be that person in this little group. Melody, otherwise known as Mel, had frizzy blond hair pulled back by a various assortment of headbands. Her freckles and kind brown eyes helped her seem open and friendly to anyone. She was the kind of person that easily made friends with anyone and everyone. But, get on her bad side, and she becomes a demon.

Last, but certainly not least, is our main character, Ashe. The shy one of the group, who is secretly a hardcore otaku. She has cerulean blue eyes and light strawberry blond hair. Most people at school find her too quiet and a little dark. Her notebooks are filled with poems and her sketchbook filled with anime characters, some which are original, while others were not.

The group's school day always started with laughter and chatter. Lunch and recess weren't much different, except for the occasional complaint about a teacher's class or too much homework. At the end of the school day, after the last bell rings and the halls were crowded with students, they all met at the usual bench before walking home together. Today wasn't much different. Until they reached the park.

Jasmine was arguing with Becca about Justin Timberlake's new songs, while Mel was trying fruitlessly to mediate the argument. Jay and Clare were talking about a recent soccer game of the district's last year champs. None of them could have seen the kid about to run into the somewhat busy street after his ball.

Except Ashe.

--Ashe's POV--

I quietly walked behind my friends and listened intently to what they were talking about. As we began to walk near the park, I noticed a soccer ball rolling onto the street. A kid, who looked no more than seven, was running after it and onto the road. Then I noticed the car speeding down the road straight toward the child. My eyes widened. Oh no.

My body sprung into motion. I sprinted straight to the child, leaving behind my friends who still hadn't noticed what was going on. Right before the car came into contact with the small boy, I pushed him out of the way.

Time seemed to slow down around me.

I could feel myself falling towards the ground. The car seemed to be closing in slowly. Then, suddenly, everything sped up, and felt the car ram into my side. I cried out in pain and finally fell to the ground.

I could hear the car screech to a halt and the door slam shut. My vision was clear enough to make out the figures of the people crowding around my body, the driver and my friends included. Faintly, I heard the boy crying beside me on the ground. I forced my head to turn to him and I gave him a shaky smile.

"I-it's alright. Ju-jus-just promise m-me to never ru-run i-into the street l-l-like th-that a-ag-again," I stuttered out to the kid.

He nodded, "I p-promise lady."

I smiled at him again before my vision finally gave out on me. My head rolled to the side as I lost consciousness. 'It'll be good if I die here... No one cares if I am gone... They all hate me anyway...' I thought. And I fell into the welcoming arms of the darkness.


Sooo... What do you guys think? What goin to happen to Ashe? Why did she say everyone hates her?

Comments/votes and suggestions would be helpful.

Sorry for the slow updates, but we have a lot of tests and stuff at the end of the year.  >.>  Thankfully summer break is coming up, so I'll be updating much more! \( ^ .^ )/




See ya in the next chapter of 'Opposite Worlds'!!!!

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