Week 1 Day 2: Tuesday

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{Don't worry, there's a French translator at the very end of this chapter and it basically translates everything French said near the end}

Irritating noises of Alison arguing on her cellphone filled the room as I woke up.

"Why do you even bother? No, I might as well not meet up with you today! Oh, you know what? Go fuck yourself!"

The sound of the phone hanging up finally made me wake up.

"Who the hell was that?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and yawning with tiredness.

"Jason", Alison sighed irritably.

"Trouble in Paradise?" I smirked.

"There is no Paradise to contain any trouble", Alison said, even confusing herself, "I've told you that".

"Mmhm, okay", I nodded, obviously still not believing her lies, "I'm going to go and have a shower really quickly, okay?"

Alison nodded, yet her mouth was open with interest as she scrolled through her phone so she obviously wasn't listening.

I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the taps, making the water go overly hot because that was the way that I liked it. I removed all of my clothing and stepped into the shower, allowing the scolding hot water to cover my naked body. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and rinsed it out. And then I used a variety of body lotions.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my body. Then, I put on some randomly picked clothes. I wore I white blouse and a black cardigan with blue jeans and a red tie.

I finished other things such as brushing my teeth, flossing, mouth washing, moisturising and so on. Then, I was officially ready for the day.

I reminded myself what lessons I had today; PE, Music and French. A perfect combination.

I walked out of the bathroom to find Alison waiting for me.

"Ready?" She smiled.

"Yep", I said and we both made our way to the changing rooms.

Once we reached the changing rooms, we chose a spot in the corner. I hated changing in front of strangers that I didn't know. But, fortunately, I was very quick and I even beat Alison. But only by five minutes.

We were supposed to all meet up in the gym today for PE so we did so. About ten minutes later, the whole gym was full of our form but no Mr Bateman.

It took him exactly seven minutes to finally show up and he had an odd expression on his face. He looked pleased and satisfied with himself. He looked like he was having some sort of adrenaline rush because he was panting heavily and his hair was slightly messed up. He looked as if he had just done something crazy.

"Right!" Mr Bateman smiled. He was in a better mood than yesterday but why? "This year, we will have five different PE subjects, one every two months obviously excluding the last two months for Summer Holidays. We will have gym machine exercises and running which is what we have now. And we will also have sports (such as football, netball, croquet and other), gymnastics, swimming and self-defence".

"Sir, what do you mean by self-defence?" A girl in the middle of the room asked, "Is that, like, fighting?"

"I guess you could call it that", Mr Bateman shrugged, "Let's just say, if you were ever in some sort of violent trouble, it would teach you how to protect yourself. You never know what type of issues you could come across in your life so you should always be prepared".

Unexpectedly, I found myself raising my hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Chelsea", see, even Mr Bateman was surprised.

Patrick Bateman, My TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now