Week 2, Day 8: Monday

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It was the second week of Dorsia college. I relished in the fact I had made it through the weekend without yearning for Patrick. I mean, sure; I may have spent the majority of Sunday lurking around corridors in the hopes I would run into him, and happening to casually stroll past his classroom on more than one odd ocassion. But nothing. He was nowhere to be seen.

Feeling both excited and a tad nervous, I chose my outfit for today: a flowing yellow top, white denim shorts and white flats, a simple way to embrace the end of summer. Autumn was fast approaching as we headed into the early days of September.

Alison, with her legs crossed, sat on the bed as she applied her makeup in a hand-held mirror, looking as cheerful as ever. After Saturday, her and Jason had made things official and were in a relationship. She was constantly radiating happiness ever since.

"Alison", I hovered near the door anxiously, glancing at the alarm clock which read 8:43, "We're going to be late".

"We have fifteen minutes", Alison groaned, applying a fresh coat of lip gloss, "Why do you always have to be so early? It's gross".

"I'm going", I rolled my eyes and opened the door, "I'll see you there".

Alison merely wavered her fingers, which were still enclosed onto her makeup mirror. I smiled satisfactorily as I headed out the room, knowing that Alison wouldn't want to leave early. This allowed the perfect amount of time to talk to Patrick by myself before our class started.

While trotting down the stairs, I swiped my hair away and let it fall down my back. It was curled today, something I rarely customised myself with unless I was out to impress. Not that I was trying to capture anybody's attention, that is.

Beaming at that familiar class room, I strode to the door, peered through the window and there he was. His laptop screen was on and his body was slumped back into his desk chair as he intensley glared into the distance.

Boldly, I tapped on the door window to alert him. He didn't look at me straight away, nor even flinch at the sound. He just kept continuing to stare but, after a few seconds, his eyes trailed towards my direction.

As if convincing himself to appear happy, his lips smiled but his eyes remained bleak. He stood up and made his way towards the door, my heart inadvertently pounding behind my ribcage as he advanced closer to me.

Patrick opened the door and beamed down at me.

"Someone's eager", he commented, backing up against the door so I could walk in.

He closed the door behind us.

"Just excited for my first religious studies lesson", I gave him a sarcastic look and leant against his desk.

"You're feeling better then?" Patrick raised an eyebrow unsurely.

"Yep", I replied cheerfully.

After quickly glancing back at the door, he approached me by the desk and stood so close I could smell his minty cold breath which was hitting my cheek.

"Did you go anywhere?"

I instantly felt uncomfortable by the question. I wasn't planning on lying to him about my date with James, but I also wasn't planning on bringing it up.

"I...went out with some friends on Saturday", I responded, avoiding eye contact as his glare sent daggers through the side of my face.


"And that's it", I said to him, turning my face to look at him now. I drew in a quiet but sharp breath when I noticed his face had edged even closer so that if one of our heads were to even waver we would be touching, "Look, I didn't come here to talk about our weekends".

Patrick Bateman, My TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now