Chapter 4

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"Right!" Jack got his phone from the bed and gave me a long stare at my laced bra, 

"Enjoying your view Jack?" I tilted my head, 

"Yes! very much!" he just didn't stop looking at me but I felt kind of uncomfortable and pushed him out of the room, 

'I can't wait to be girlfriends with you! and I'll have to see you naked everynight for pleasure." he was leaning on the door frame before I shut the door at his face, 

"I love you cupcake!" he shouted but I ignored him, 

"In all seriousness though, can you be like my fake girlfriend for tomorrows, night out?" he knocked on my door which made me smile,

"Sure why not." 

"Can you open the door?" he knocked again, 

"This time let me wear something, k?" 


"Here you go?" I opened the door and he entered, 

"I like you more naked." he pointed at my shirt, 

"I like you more naked" I mocked his voice, "What do you want actualy?" I asked, 

"Just wanted to know more about you, maybe you'll end up just stealing all of our stuff and leave." 

"Do you really think I'm that cheap?" I sat on the bed, thinking how mean that is, 

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, gosh!" he raise both his hands and I smiled, 

"I'm kidding too, It's just I don't know what Zoe is hiding from me, we've been bestfriends for years and suddenly she just won't let me stay at hers?" I confessed as I quickly wiped the tears with my shirt, 

"Are you crying?" Jack asked, 

"maybe I am, Maybe not." I looked up not wanting Jack to see me upset, 

"Zoe maybe has some issues or problems right now, she'll just tell you, maybe sooner?" 

"I don't know Jack, can i trust Zoe or not?" I asked, I wasn't the type of girl who had bestfriends before, i moved here in London a couple of years ago and I barely had friends except for Zoe, she was the one who wanted to be friends so I thought, why not? we were so close that I sleep at her house for weeks, 

She was a really bad influence friend but I loved it about her, I'm actually half filipino and then half american, my mum's Filipino and my dad's american, we moved at London because of my dad's work and I was very happy about it, 

Zoe was the bad ass at school, she would sneak out of classes and influence me to do so because that would make us famous but after years being with her,  I was becoming more influenced that I was more bad ass and everytime I visit their home, their family gives me a disgusting look,

When zoe and I had a big fight because her brother and father doesn't like me, I ran away from home but was soon found around the lake where I threw pebbles, my dad had a promotion and we were moving to America, before I left, Zoe and I said our goodbyes and hugged each other so hard, 

I knew she missed me but I can tell a part of her had wished that before I decided to leave, when I was in America for about 4 years, I wanted to travel the world since I'm already 19 and I really do want to come back to London, not for Zoe, not for the Famous YouTubers but to start a career here, 

I was just hoping for you know? just go to the streets late at night and then grab my guitar out and then play music until Simon Cowell or someone recognizes me and let my dreams come true but everything didn't happen as planned, when Zoe was snooping through Facebook she probably saw my status and called me through skype, 

ofcourse I told her and she was very delighted to see me too, I told my parent's about Zoe wanting me to come over but they just told me to be careful of the things she says, I soon agreed not to take everything seriously when it comes to Zoe but it just hurts to hear that her family still hates me after years not being with her, 

"You okay there?" Jack asked clearly see me full of tears and day dream, 

"I'm fine, what do you need anyways? I mean I already said yes why can't you just- can I get some rest now Jack it's already 9pm and I need to get some rest." I hid myself under the covers and Jack nodded

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