Chapter 20

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Mother stepped to the side, gesturing that we could come in. I immediately went to the crib on the side of the room and picked up Stella, holding her close to me. I felt Ben's arms reach around both of us as we hugged our daughter, finally getting her back.

After pulling out of our hug, I look over to my mother to see that she is staring down at the ground, looking rather sad.

"Mum?" I ask, to get her attention. When she finally looks at me, I continue. "Why did you take my daughter?"

"Because," she answered. "I wanted another chance. Another chance to try and be a proper mother. A better one than what I was to you. And I was worried that you wouldn't be a good mother because you didn't know what a good mother looked like, because you didn't have one yourself." She looks down at the floor again. 

"Oh mum." I say, walking over to her. "You were a good mother to me. It was all I knew growing up, so for me you were a good mother. It wasn't until I came to Auradon that I saw the difference. But you are still my mother and I love you all the same." I pull her into a hug, remembering that Stella is still in my arms.

"Maleficent," Ben says from behind me. "I'm sure Mal will agree with this; but there is still a chance for you to be a good mother to her. To teach her how to care for a baby and to help her. And there is definitely the chance for you to be an amazing grandmother." I back away from her to go stand by Ben.

"I hereby declare," I say in my queenly voice. "There you, Maleficent, are no longer exiled from Auradon, you are to come to the palace with us. To be a mother and a grandmother!"

Tears slowly fall from my mother's eyes as she smiles and pulls us both into a hug.

"Thank you; so much for giving me a second chance." She says.

And with that we walk out of the cottage, through the forest and back to the car.

Walking freely into the palace with Mother walking beside us, earned us a few weird looks. 

"What in the hell is going on?!" Cried Lonnie as she saw us walking down the hall. "Guards!" She screamed; and in a matter of seconds there were about 20 guards pointing guns at my mother while two restrained her.

"Get your hands off her now!" I scream over top of the noise. Upon hearing my voice, all the guards instantly backed away going back to their posts.

"Mal?" Chad questioned. "What are you doing?"

"Enough." Ben said before I could do anything. "Mal has passed a decree that allows Maleficent to live freely in Auradon, under the palace roof." Man, he sounds so kingly when he's telling people off.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lonnie and Chad both say backing off and walking away.

News much travel fast, because while I was making sure my mother was alright, Evie, Jane and Doug ran down the hall and basically skidded to a stop when they saw that the rumours were true.

"Holy hell." Evie is the first to speak. "They weren't lying."

"Hello, Evie." Mum says walking over to her. "I'm sorry for everything, darling." Evie must have been generally moved by my mother's apology because Evie hugged her.

"So, I guess all is forgiven?" I ask everyone. They all nod their responses and everything began to feel normal. My friends - always forgiving - accepted my mother's presence in the palace, and helped her settle in to palace life. 


It had been a week since I had gotten my daughter back and got my mother back in my life too. And so far she had been a godsend! She took care of Stella-Marie when I needed to do work and she would come and bring me lunch when I forgot to eat. It was amazing having a mother that actually tried back in my life, Ben was happy with Mum in our lives too because she took Stella so that we could have some time to ourselves.

"Mal, those colours don't match!" Mum says as we walks into my room.

"But what else am I supposed to put her in?" I ask throwing the clothes back in the draw.

"How about this?" She pulls a beautiful white dress with pink trimming and sparkling flowers on it, out of the garment bag. "The perfect announcement dress for a princess about to be shown to the kingdom."

"Where did you get that?" I ask, skeptically taking the dress from her.

"We had a bit of a shopping spree this morning while you were working, didn't we?" Stella-Marie giggles and waves her hands around on Mum's hip.

After getting Stella ready, and getting Mother and I ready, we met Ben as the side doors to the main Ballroom, where we were going to officially introduce Stella-Maire to the kingdom. We talked quietly, until the door opened and it was our turn to walk in. I carried, a now tired princess in my arms with Ben's arm around my wrapped around my waist, and my mother a step behind us as the only living parent between the two of us. 

Stepping up to the podium, Ben began our announcement; "Kingdom of Auradon, we would like to introduce our beautiful daughter, Princess Stella-Marie!" The cameras go crazy and reporters ask questions, left, right and centre. Ben and I try our best to answer every question thrown at us, and Mother even helped answer questions as well. 

After an hour of questioning, Jane and Doug took over with all the other details so that Ben and I could get away. We spent the rest of the day out in the gardens with our friends and my mother; eating food and having fun. Finally relaxing after such a troubling few years.

"You know what, Ben?" I say as we stand off to the side, watching as everyone passes around our daughter and laughs and talks. 

"What, Mal?" He asks softly, looking down at me.

"This is where we belong. With family, friends and together."

With that he smiled down at me before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my lips. It was one of those kisses that meant 'I love you', one of those kissing that means we have all our lives together.


Epilogue to go and then we are done!! I'm kinda sad... I grew attached to these characters...

Comment if you want me to do a sequel!!!

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