Chapter 2

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Slowly climbing out of bed, I make my way to my little study adjacent to our room. This is my safe haven, where it's quiet and no one can disturb me. thoughts disturb me. I look at my most recent drawing - it displayed the kingdom in shattered pieces, all because Ben and I hadn't work out how to break the curse.
The painting that sat next to it was one that haunted my every waking moment. It was of my mother when she showed up at our wedding reception, not to wish us congratulations, but to curse us for turning to her enemy's side.
I close my eyes and recall the scene that had haunted me:

"On your one year anniversary as husband and wife, your kingdom will crumble! You will watch from your ivory tower as your people fight to save their precious home, while the villains from history start to take over! To free yourselves of this curse, you will need to solve my riddle. Present me the following three parts before the sun sets on your one year anniversary and the curse shall be lifted." Then raising her arms, Mother began to cast her curse, and there was nothing I could do to stop her. "The son of the beast and a beauty, forever kind and brave. The daughter of the most wicked, courageous and bold, and the child that is of good and evil blood; mixed together, to create the strongest leader of them all! This curse cannot be undone, not even by myself, until these items are presented!" And with a wisp of smoke and a swirl of her cape, she was gone.

Opening my eyes back to the present, I stare at the image of my mother, with her arms open wide, in the middle of casting her curse. I've have nightmares every night of our reception, and of the future.

Our anniversary is a little under 6 months away, but that only makes matters worse for us.

"Hey," a familiar sleepy voice whispers, as strong arms are wrapped around me. "You need to stop looking at this picture. I can always have it burned?" Ben suggested.

Spinning around in his arms to face him, I look up into the hazel eyes that stare down at me.

"No, don't burn it." I whisper back, reaching up on my tippy-toes, I plant a soft kiss on his lips. Bringing his arms around my waist, he pulls me closer to him, deepening the kiss. When we break apart, he still keeps me close, with his forehead and mine touching.

I'm the first one to break us apart, "Come on, we have a kingdom to run." I say smiling over my shoulder as I race to get the first shower.

An hour later, we are sitting in our shared office - the official one - looking over some paper that Fairy Godmother wanted us to read.

"Nope!" I say, throwing my arms in the air. "Not looking at this thing anymore! It's hurting my head!"

Jane chuckled from behind me, shaking her head at my very unqueenly behavior.

"Darling why don't you go see how the preparations for the party are going?" Ben suggests, looking at me over the paper.

"Sounds better than this." I reply walking around the table. "I'll see you for lunch? We're out in the gardens today."

"Wouldn't miss it." He replies smiling.

"Let's go, Mal!" Jane calls from the door.

Together we walk arm in arm down the halls, towards Evie's office. I had named her the Royal Events Planner because that was her thing, along with fashion.
As we walked I admired my home for about the millionth time since the wedding. The ceilings were high with beautifully detailed patterns across it. The walls were a shade of cream white that made all the paintings stand out. There were paintings from famous artists, Ben had even had some of my own drawings hung through the castle halls.

We rounded the corner to Evie's office when a sudden pain shit through my body. I leaned against the wall and heard Jane screaming for the doctor and for someone to get the King.
The last thing I saw was Ben and an army of guards and the doctor running down the hall towards me before I blacked out.


I hope that you're all still with me! The stories about to get interesting!

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