Chapter 19

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The palace went into a frantic storm! Lonnie and Chad were working basically 24/7, sending guards left right and centre to try and find my daughter. Ben stayed but until ungodly hours of the morning talking over plans and possible places that Maleficent could have taken her. Everyone was working hard and long to try and find Stella-Maire...and as for me...all I was able to do was spend hours upon hours in her bedroom across the hall. Just sitting in the rocking chair in shock, unable to help anyone. My mother had stolen my daughter, and there was nothing I could do to save her because I didn't know where she was. There was no way of finding her, Fairy Godmother had tried every locating spell in her spell book, Jane had even looked some up on the internet to try to see if they would work...Nothing worked though. It had been one week! A whole week and we still couldn't find her.

"Mal, you have to eat something." Evie spoke quietly as she walked into the nursery. "I had the chef make you some food, and it's still hot."

"Thank you." I mumble, looking down at the bassinet. "You know, E, she never got to sleep in here. I wasn't able to change her clothes on the table, or dress her for her announcement party." I start to sob.

"Oh sweetie." She says enclosing me in her arms so that I am crying into her shoulder. 

"How could I have been so stupid as to think that my mother wouldn't try anything! I mean, look what she did to Queen Aurora, she basically guaranteed that her mother would never be able to watch her grow up....and now she's done the same to me." I cries get heavier...then it hits me...I quickly pull back from Evie and look at her.

"Oh my god!" I say. "It's so obvious!"

"What? M, what's obvious?" Evie replies, looking worried.

"Where's Ben?"

"In the war room with the others." She replies.

And I'm off, food forgotten, not even bothering to tell Evie that we have to go. I can't believe I hadn't even thought of this! Evie was right as my heels as we raced down the halls towards the other side of the castle. 

"Ben!" I cry, throwing open the doors. It's funny how many times I've done this over the past few months and he still looks worried every time I race in.

"What? What is it?" Ben asks coming to my side.

"Maleficent, I know where she is." I pant.

"Where?" He asks frantically.

"The cottage. The cottage that Aurora was taken to when she was cursed by my mother." I say.

"That's too obvious, Mal. She wouldn't be somewhere that obvious if she didn't want us to find her." Ben reasons.

"No, she would!" I explain. "It's so obvious that we wouldn't even bother to look there. My mother has been missing her villain days ever since your father cast out all the villain to the Island of the Lost. She was always retelling the story of how she took Aurora away from Leah all those years ago! Don't you see, she's trying to recreate the past because she doesn't have that kind of power these days! She's trying to prove that she is still the most wicked of them all!" I'm out of breathe by the time that I finish my speech. Everyone around the room looks at me, complete looks of astonishment on their faces.

"Oh god! You're right." Ben says finally.

And with that a new frenzy begins. The room erupts with new strategies, phone calls are made to call in the guards that have been sent out. Everything is complete chaos in here. I pull Ben outside the room...I have a different idea.

"Ben, we need to be the ones that go get our daughter not a group of guards. We are her parents; if anyone is going to rescue her, it's going to be us." I say, almost begging him to agree with me.

"Alright. Let's go get our baby." He replies, smiling down at me.

I quietly drag Evie out of the room and explain the plan to her. At least, one person has to know that we haven't abandoned our kingdom. After packing a couple bag and convincing the driver that we wanted some time alone, we got in the car - without the driver - and sped off towards the woods where the cottage lay. Ben didn't do the speed limits so we got there in no time at all. Parking at the edge of the woods, I was seriously beginning to doubt my plan. We had no back-up whatsoever, and we were the King and Queen of Auradon for crying out loud! How could we have been so stupid as to not brought at least some form of back-up. Then again, this was our daughter, and I had magic of my own, if we really needed to I could let it out and save us.

The woods were lighter than I thought they would be. The trees and flowers were in full bloom and there were woodland creatures scurrying everywhere as we walked over the roots of giant trees. It was absolutely beautiful, I can understand why Aurora liked it out here so much. We reached the edge of a clearing, and sitting in about the middle was the cottage. There was smoke coming out of the chimney, the garden was in full bloom and there was a little laugh from inside the cottage. At the sound of the laugh Ben and I ran across the clearing, not bothering to hide ourselves. When we got closer to the cottage, we went silently to an open window.

What we saw... was the last thing that I thought I'd ever see.

There my mother was, the all-great-and-powerful Maleficent, spinning around the room with my baby girl in her arms. Singing and dancing to calm her down. I was so confused; I didn't understand what was happening, Mother was actually taking care of my daughter properly, keeping her happy and safe. 

I looked over at Ben who appeared to be just as confused as I was. I pointed over to the door; it appeared that Mother wasn't going to try anything so there was no reason to turn this into a fight.

Standing in front of the door, we brushed ourselves off to make sure we looked presentable; sliding my hand into the crook of Ben's outstretched arm, he gave three swift knocks on the door.

We waited nervously as footsteps made there way in our direction, the door was cracked open slightly and a part of my mother's head could be seen.

Slowly, opening the door wider, we finally got a full view of my mother, standing there is black slacks and a baggy shirt, and a scarf in her hair. There was no fancy cape, or horned crown. It was just my mother...looking like...well a mother.

"Mum?" I ask cautiously.

"So, you found me then." She says, rather calmly.

"Ummm, yes we did. But what are you doing here?" I question. She doesn't seem like she's much of a threat right now.

"I was having some alone time with my beautiful granddaughter." She says, as though I had willingly handed Stella-Marie over for the day.

"Maleficent," Ben begins, he too realised that there was no threat here. "Could we please have our daughter back?"


Chapter 19 is done!! 

What in the world has gotten into Maleficent? 

Just a warning guys, I doing one more chapter and then an epilogue....then the story is over!!

I was thinking of doing a sequel, about Stella-Marie when she is if you want me to do that, then please comment!

It's almost the stay tuned!

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