Chapter Five

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5 Months Later Into The Year:

I was boarding a plane, the line went as slow as a cliché line up would. The lady at the desk asked everyone for their passports and when someone left it in their bag, that delayed us from getting onto our flight even longer. I was with Stan, and we were on a flight heading to Canada. We were going to this weird city called Edmonton, in Alberta.

(Hey hey hey ProfesserChaos *le wink*)

Cart man and Kenny were also going, we were going on a class trip to see what Canada was like compared to America. The class was only staying in Edmonton for a couple of days as out next flight was a Saturday heading to Quebec.

Butters was behind me, I handed the woman at the desk my passport, which I hated as it showed my hair. I had to take my hat off for all of my pictures so my hair was shown in them.

She asked, "Um, could you take off your hat please..?"

I looked at her and around at everyone else. "Fine." I slipped off the green hat I usually wore and my hair popped out.

she looked back and forth from the picture to me, "Okay thank you," she smiled.

I placed my hat back on my head but kept a couple of curls showing and I rolled my carry on bag to the boarding capsule.

Stan followed me, Butters and Kenny after, all having their luggage, Cartman was having some trouble getting through.

"Excuse me," the woman said, "but this passport expired a year ago. May I see some form of identification please?"

Cartman ruffled through his pockets and dug out his wallet, he took out his Driver's License and showed her.

"Thank you sir. Move right along," she said and went to the next person in line.

Cartman hurried after us and we walked down the slant in the capsule and made our way to the plane.

~4 and a half hours later~

"Goddammit! Move already!" Cartman has no patience for line ups to get on or off of things.

I've bumped into lots of people before, and they were rude about it, but jesus, these people were fucking rude. they didn't care what we were doing, they shoved us and yelled at each other. is THIS supposed to be Canada?!




We got to the hotel soon after, I placed my bag on the bed I was lying in. Stan, Kenny, Cartman and I were all sharing a room, there were two bed, and two pull out couches.

I took a bed for the first night, Cartman took the other, Kenny and Stan both took the pull out couches.

Our teacher knocked on our door, man she was gorgeous...she was only 19, as I was 17.

"You boys okay?" She asked us.

"Yes. Thank you." Cartman said looking a bit annoyed.

She walked out and closed the door, I stared at her hot ass. fuck. I had a boner.

I went to the bathroom being able to hide it the whole time.

Kyman/Stenny: So Long And GoodnightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora