Çhåpter 3

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"Hey, Doc, have you seen Twilight Sparkle? She was supposed to come over," Derpy said to Doctor Whooves.
"No, but I'm sure she's just late. You know her," the Doctor turned back to his work.
Derpy nodded and went to the front room of the house. She lingered there for a bit until she heard a knock on the door. "Phase two," she whispered under her breath.
"Derpy? Sorry I'm late," Twilight said as she walked in.
"Oh, no problem! C'mon, let's go sit over here."
As Twilight sat down, something on the counter caught her eye. "Ooh! Muffins! Fresh baked, by the smell..."
Derpy grinned. This was going perfectly. "Do you want to try one? It's a very... um... special recipe."
"Thanks!" The Princess of friendship grabbed the biggest one. "They look delicious."
"Oh, that's nice of you! Please try it; I'm not sure how they turned out."
Twilight sniffed the muffin and took a big bite. "Wow, that's really good, Derpy! How do you make them?"
"Hmmm? Just a little pinch of this, pinch of that."
"Cool..." Twilight Sparkle yawned. "I'm very tired..." Her eyes began to close, and soon she slumped down on to the table.
"Phase three is a go," Derpy laughed.


Twilight woke up feeling like her head had been split open. "D-derpy? What? Where am I?"
There was no point in lying. "In the secret basement. I'm about kill you. Slowly."
She gave an uneasy laugh. "Very funny, Derpy," Twilight studied her surroundings. She was strapped to a metal board, and tight iron cuffs held her down, digging into her skin. The room was dark, lit with only a bright LED light that gave the metallic silver walls an otherworldly glow. The light illuminated splash of paint on the walls. At least it looked like paint...
"How will you taste, Twilight? I've never made Princess muffins before.." Derpy said, her eyes so far out that Twilight could only see the whites.
Twi was smart enough to figure out what was going on. Derpy was just... crazy. Maybe Twilight could reason with her? "What? I don't get it."
"You're smart. You know what I'm going to do." Just then Twilight noticed a case of knives on a table in a corner. Derpy walked over and picked a small, thin one, and to it to the sharpener.
Then it clicked in Twilight's mind, and she understood. The paint (blood, sorry), the knives, the muffins.. Twilight was about to be murdered. But if she could send a message to Celestia, then it would be okay. When she tried, thought, her headache got worse and she let out a small whimper.
"I had to take precautions. Sorry about your horn," Derpy yelled over the grinding of the knife sharpener. The noise stopped and she got up. " That should be enough. If not.... Well, you won't notice over the rest of the pain."
The walls were highly reflective, which Twilight Sparkle hadn't noticed. She looked at her own reflection, and the cause of the migraine became obvious. Derpy had split her horn in half. Literally. "M-my horn! WHY?"
"Precautions. I told you. Now give me your hoof," Derpy laughed. "Oh wait! You can't! Whoops!" She walked to Twilight's hoof and plunged the knife in, and dragged it though about an inch. Twilight screamed, mostly from the shock of seeing somepony slicing into her.
"Stop, Derpy! You don't need to do this!" Twilight screeched, the blood from her hoof making her feel sick.
"If I let you go now, you'd tell everyone, and then I'd be ruined. By the way, I'd save your screaming for later. That was only to test if the knife was sharp enough," Derpy cut an X over Twilight's chest, making the alicorn whimper. A tear leaked from her eye. "Now what... Legs, I guess."
Twilight tried to block the pain out as Derpy pared her flesh away. Blood pooled on the floor, which Derpy caught in a tub. "This is fun... but wings are always the best part," Derpy smiled.
"YOU"RE A PSYCHOPATH!" Twilight screamed as the gray pegasus cackled as she hacked at her wings. "I try, Twi, I try."
When her skin had been peeled away, revealing muscles and bone, and her wings on the floor, Twilight opened her eyes and looked at her reflection in the wall. The sight made her vomit, and she was shaking, screaming and sobbing at the same time. "Stop! You can't kill me! I'm the Princess of Friendship!"
"Nice try!" Derpy scoffed, licking the blood of of her knife. She grabbed the biggest one from the case. "You're just another pony. And I'm going to prove it."
Twilight tried to scream but instead coughed up blood as Derpy plunged the knife in at her neck. She didn't stop there, but instead drew it slowly down to her tail. The room was a dark red mess.
"Should've... Trusted... F-f-fluttershy..." Twilight sputtered. And then she died.
Derpy laughed as she licked her hooves and the knife clean. "Well, we can't have Fluttershy knowing, can we? I've got my work cut out for me."

MuFfINs- a MLP creepypastaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu