Chapter 2

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I walked to the window, watching Brian and Alexia prance around the front yard. They had large smiles that fell into fits of laughter, chasing each other like little school kids. I pulled the curtains in and let my mind wonder to Scott, remembering how crazy he was about me. It's as if he's just completely lost interest in both me and anything we do together.

Heidi was the first to tell me that Scott had a thing for me. I was surprised and I didn't see him in that way so when he asked me out to go see a movie, I declined, though, he didn't take no for an answer. It was aggravating, he questioned my decision every time he had the chance.

We had this moment at our other friend Nina's small party. I was one of around 5 people that weren't drunk, including Scott. That was him trying to impress me, normally he would get so pissed he wouldn't remember what girl he got in bed with that night. One of many reasons why I turned him down, I thought he just wanted to get in my pants and then he'd be gone before you know it, but, we were in the kitchen talking and nobody was around. He was cracking jokes and getting a bit closer than just 'friends' would. I didn't stop it though, I carried on with it too. We stopped talking and their was a deep in thought silence that built up all this tension. It was when he said
"You know you're really beautiful Cindy?"
when I practically jumped onto him and kissed him. It felt so real when I felt his smile break the kiss, he was so happy that I finally let him in. Now I feel as if we are a sad married couple that have no courage to tell the other how this isn't working between us.

It's sad that I'm referring to us in that term, but it's the truth. The first few months were the times he was honest and we'd never have a moment of disagreement. It was a little too perfect if you ask me, I didn't think anything of it and look at us now. As I'm laying on the couch deep in thought I get interrupted by the loud ringing from the telephone, as I quickly jolt up my head spins.

"Hello?" I speak in a grouchy tone, rubbing my head from the ache shooting in my right temple.

"CINDY!" Heidi screams into the phone.

"Yes, what is it?" I'm in no mood for a pointless conversation.

"I bumped into Matty at the mall with Mom and he told me that Joey called him on Saturday,"

"Yes keep going!"

"Shhhh, just listen,"

"I am just go!"

"Okay, okay, well he told Matty that there was a problem with the touring venues and that he's coming back home next week for a month!"

"Stop it Heidi, if this is one of you're little stunts I am gonna- ,"

"No, it's not I swear, do you know how exciting and unbelievable this is!"

"I know, he hasn't been home for 3 days straight let alone a whole entire month!"

"This is crazy, I'm calling Camila, she's going to be so happy, I'll see you tomorrow with Camila, okay? Don't be late and make us wait outside for 10 minutes or we are leaving without you!"

"Fine, you impatient girl!"

"Bye Cindy,"

"Bye Heidi."

The call ended and I shrieked with enthusiasm, this is unbelievable. Wait, this means I'll meet the rest of the 'New Kids'. My stomach churns, it's both appealing and intimidating. My head goes to all embarrassing scenarios that could happen with first impressions, I'm putting too much pressure on myself if I keep thinking about it.

I turn the T.V. on to watch as much as I can before my parents get home. I decide on a cartoon and position myself in a comfortable spot on the couch. With the flickering glow from the screen my eyes start to get heavy, the last thing I see is Tom getting hit with a pan on the head by Jerry. I close my eyes shut, falling into a deep sleep.


I'm woken by the smell of food, my parents are always in the kitchen keen to make a home cooked meal on any day of the week. I can hear Denis by Blondie softly playing in the background.

My parents are awfully young to have a 16 year old daughter, they had me at 17, a mistake that turned into as they call it a miracle from God, which makes them 33 years of age, crazy, I know, but I love it. We have the same taste in everything, Mom and I share clothes and Dad and I share records. There's another child coming on the way, number two. This one was actually planned of course, they struggled a lot to have a second, we didn't have enough money and weren't on stable ground but finally after work upon work upon work we are adding a fourth member to the Bloom family.

I padded my small feet to the kitchen, wrapped in the blanket Mom must have covered me in earlier when she saw me asleep on the couch. They smiled and welcomed me in an embracing hug, asking me how my granny nap was.

"It was great, I better go put in my teeth," I joked.

"That was bad Cindy, now you really are a granny," my Dad said in a playful manner.

"Ha-ha, very funny. What are you guys making?"

"Lasagna, I'm not feeling exotic tonight," my Mom answered.

She tries too hard, acting as if she needs to make up for the time she left us for 6 months. It's not as bad as you think, no actually, yeah, it's pretty tragic. I was 8 and she couldn't take how rough life treated us. She went to New York and stayed with one of her friends that was financially supported by her wealthy father, lucky her. But we didn't know where she was, there was a note that Dad never let me read and envelope full of extra cash she was saving for another baby that she left and then she was gone. She came back one day and realised how stupid she was, my Dad forgave her so quickly, it was such a relief to see that stage in our life finally end and ever since then it's been nothing but a breeze. At least to me. I'm not included in the bills and the way of living and boy am I glad, I'd have heart pain at 20 just of all the stress it would put me through.

"It's fine!" My Dad and I say in sync.

"Jinx!" I beat him to it.

"Well foods ready so get your buts in the dining room," Mom orders.

We are seated and Dads still not talking, I love how committed he is to this stuff. He still acts like a teenager and my Mom sometimes loves and hates it, it's quite amusing.

"Oh you guys are not going to believe this!" They turn to listen to what I'm about to say, intrigued by my opening of the big news I found out 3 hours ago.

"Joey is coming back for a month next week, his tour got cancelled for a while due to some difficulties, so I'm going to meet the 'New Kids On The Block' how cool is that?"

My Mom rose from her chair, clapping in glee. She loves Joey, and that little inch more that he's in the music business.

"This is so exciting, we should have a welcoming party so we can all meet them!" She makes a suggestion, yet Dad and I know it's a command.

"Oh Mom, we really shouldn't, don't you think it's a little too much?"

"Nonsense, we are having one and that's final!" She rests her case.

"But Dad?" I whine, looking at my Father who is pointing at his mouth with a smirk plastered on his face. Don't think he's getting away with it that easily.

That's so embarrassing, we aren't even related to Joey. And knowing Joe he won't say no, he's too nice for that sorta stuff. Oh god, I hope this week goes slow just so I don't have to witness this stupid party, but what do you know, it's already Wednesday as we are speaking.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've had a lot of assignments and tests! I hope you like this story so far! I'm trying to be patient too for when the New Kids finally come into the story!! XXX

Never The Right Time, Jordan KnightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon