"Oh the chef is preparing something much more special for her, HAHAHA!" The man walked away in a crazed laugh Adam shook the bars sticking his head out.

"YOU HAD BETTER NOT HURT HER ANYMORE THEN YOU ALREADY HAVE OR THIS PLACE WILL FALL INTO RUINS!!!" Adam promised his eyes were dilated like a psychopath prepared to kill. The guard flinched back at the sudden out burst but grinned as he stepped forward and reached into the cell pulling Adam to the bars and inching closer to him with an insane look on his face.

"I Can't wait to have a piece of you, but boss said not to touch you guys until the appetizer has been properly prepared, its too bad, I guess I have to wait, then again it's been ages since we've had a girl for dinner." Adam's eyes widen again he got blinded with rage the guy quickly pulled back laughing maniacally as Adam shook the bars scream at the top of his lungs

"DON'T TOUCH HER I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Adam felt his body tremble as fell to his knees something wet falling on his cheeks, slowly he lifted his hand to his eye and knew what the liquid was, his own salted tears... Barney looked at his best friend in sympathy, this has happened just like last time with Alesa, Adam cried because he couldn't save Alesa and now he is terrified that history would repeat itself one Jess. "This is all my fault..."

"Goat No, it not yours fault, you didn'ts know this happens, non us dids... Pulls self together. We don'ts want repeats of Alesa rights? Then we finds way out!" Adam looked at his friend as he looked down into his knees, he frowned as he looked up tears still shedding from his eyes, quickly he wiped them away and looked at Barney with a look that read he had a plan.

Elsewhere in a cage on the ground trembling was Jess, she opened her eyes with a start and flinched as she gripped her knee in pain. She leaned back to the nearest wall she could find and soaked in her surroundings. She saw blood everywhere food set up on the side, her eyes widen when her vision cleared up a bit and saw what was on the counter. A human arm and foot. Why was that here? She felt herself tremble as she hugged herself.

"This is madness... why is human limbs here in, in a kitchen of all places what going on?..." She struggled to get up, the bars in the cage helped her immensely. She moved forward towards the door of the cage and tried as best as she could to pry it open, but alas no such luck of it being unlocked or easy to open. Jess gripped her head in it felt like the world was spinning as her breathing started to increase at a rapid pace, she sat down quickly. Jess tried to calm herself down by taking slow and deep breathes, but it only worsened her instability. She was now hyperventilating from panic, loss of blood and dizziness. In came a man wearing a bloody apron as he stepped in he attached his butcher knife on the cutting board and kicked the caged making Jess scream in fear. The man grinned with a malevolent aura around him.

"Well well, you must be the fresh meat. Let's prepare Dinner, your our first female in a while, so this dinner will be extra special especially for Boss." Jess felt terror in her eyes, what were they going to do to her. Her mind was trying it's hardest to piece together this jigsaw puzzle, she understood that they were under an apocalypse, yet these people were living like kings, they seemed to be well fed, but from what food source, she was caged in a kitchen, and they said she was their first female in a while...!

"No... NONONONONO!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK BASTARD!!! HOW COULD YOU!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE!!!" The man was facing away from the door way, that was when Adam held him in a choke hold facing towards Barney.


"But what if I shooting you?!"

"JUST DO IT!!!!" Barney flinched and pulled the trigger hitting the man right between the eye, Adam let him go and reached into his pocket quickly and found a key he quickly opened the cage containing Jess inside and threw the door open as he threw himself into her arms, as she cried into his shoulder. "Jess thank god your alive, did they do anything to you!?"

"Adam, Adam we have to get out of here..."

"We know we're trying to figure out away out, don't worry we'll be fine."

"Adam you don't understand we have to go! These people... their not normal, they took survival a step too far, they have done the forbidden action... These people are Cannibals"


Author's Note:

DUN DUN DUH, DUN!!!!!!! Well you guys probably already knew that since you guys probably already saw the series, but anyways I hope you enjoyed, I feel like I got really into the chapter this time I don't know why, like my artistic Mind imagined the events occurring... makes me want to draw this book into a doujinshi to be honest XD

Anyways any questions comments or concerns feel free to PM me, or do it openly in my Q and A book and I will see you guys later :3


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