Don't Go...

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Author's Note

This is going to be more of a goodbye note than a poem if you want to read it go ahead it makes my hands want to stop writing thinking that I'm actually going to write it and the farther I get along in this note I feel like I'm gonna start crying, and for those of y'all who know me you won't get this but it's hard for me to take...... I'm sorry... By the way! I'm feeling better and am in my nice depression mood! YES! So yeah this is the one and only poem where I'm gonna show emotion...That bother you???? Then get the hell out! :p

                                                              -Fayte Michealis


Grandmothers will always be precious

They're kind and sweet and loving

But some are tougher than that

They pick on ya and joke with you

They make you smile when you're sad

And sometimes they get carried away

But you'll always love them forever

Dreaming of their soft gray hair

As they slowly mix past and present

Soon they forget who you are

Not even remembering themselves

And then the doc says he'd be amazed

If she even made it one more month

All the time you've lost with them

And you can't even be there for them

To tell them finally, please, please

Don't go...

Random Depressing poetry... yeah I know I'm depressing live with it!Where stories live. Discover now