A Look At Myself

220 5 4
  • Dedicated to My flawless brother, Kayden...

Outside birds are joyfully calling out to the sun

Singing the world a love song

Flowers blooming with spring

Yes, everything was perfect

On the outside...

Inside she sits crying alone

Her family too busy to give her a thought

Even though her loneliness is obvious to all

They continue to overlook their daughter

Treating her as they would the plague

Her heart breaking in half, she weeps

Life was always so incredibly painful

Full of ugly lies and filthy people

Finally she would be free of all of it

Taking the knife up to her wrist

And preparing herself for the end

Making peace with the world

As she fed the greedy blade

Warm crimson flowed out rapidly

Dying everything in deep rose

Finally, after all her unbearable pain,

She was free of it all

Left to wonder the darkness alone

The pain slowly subsiding

As her life dimmed quietly

Laying back she closed her eyes

Remembering the face of her brother,

Her beautiful brother for the final time...

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