We slept two hours and woke at 7. The guys were scheduled to come back at 9. I took a shower and found a dress Alice sat out for me.

Ugh! I absolutly HATE dresses. I just don't like wearing them I don't look good in them!

The top was tight till about my ribcage and then it flowed out in ruffles till my mid-thigh. Alice came in, her bubbly self. "Wow it looks better on you then I thought!" She whispered, sense Angela was still sleeping, weirdly.

dress: http://www.nowmagazine.co.uk/imageBank/n/Natalie-portman-dress-still-life.jpg

"Why did you put me in a dress?" I said annoyed.

"Because now I have a reason to and Edward will like it. by the way no running down the stairs when they come because I saw earlier that if you do Emmett will laugh because your dress will ride up. Now hair and makeup!" She curled my hair and did a half up half down look. My makeup was simple with a dark, but not to dark, red lipstick and a brown smokey eye. I got to admit, it did look amazing!

Angela woke up as a finished and said WOW and Alice did her hair and make-up. She got ringlets, after I begged her to get it because I loved her hair in ringlets.

It was soon 8:45 and mom and Rose came home. I went downstairs already so I didn't get my dress incident. 

Angela and I watched T.V. and soon enough I heard the purr of Emmett's Jeep.

"They're hear!" I yelled jumping up. Dad walked in and I quick gave him a kiss on the cheek "Hi dad!" . Alice and Rosalie quickly followed and he pulled mom to sit on the love seat with him.

Jasper walked in and I gave him a "hey bro." Rosalie and Esme said hi to him to. Alice ran at human pace toward him and went to kiss him. 

Then Edward walked in. "Edward!" I yelled and jumped into his arms and he twirled me around. I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Missed you!" He whispered to me.

"Missed you more!" I whispered back. Alice said hi and Rosalie and Esme followed.

I heard Emmett come in, but decided to joke around like he wasn't there. "Edward you know Angela right?" I asked. I knew he knew.

"Of Course. Nice to meet you Angela." He said giving her a dazzling smile.

Angela giggled and blushed. "hehehe"

"Excuse her she gets like that when she has to much sugar and not enough sleep!" I said.

"Hi sister!" Emmett said. I acted like it never happened.

Edward caught on. "How long did you sleep?" I knew I was for in it! After Angela left I would get a stern talking later and I would say sorry and give him the Alice puppy dog face and he would forget.

"Two hours." I said smally.

"Ugh. If you are crabby later I am not bothering talking to you." Jasper said laughing.

"Ask Alice how long she slept!" I said. I know Alice would help me.

"Alice?" Edward said.

"Yes?" She said.

"How long did you sleep?" He said laughing.

"A hour? If?"

"Ha! I told you!"

"I AM HERE!" Emmett said tired of yelling 'HELLO'

"So how was camping?" I asked looking at dad.

"Good. How was the sleep over?" He asked

"Good! REally fun!" I said.

"That's it!" Emmett announced.

"RUN!" My siblings and Edward yelled to me.

"HELP!" I screamed as he took me in headlock and forced me to appologize.

"Sorry!" I yelled.

"Okay." He said and walked make to Rosalie.

I walked over to Edward rubbing my neck. He rubbed my neck as I sat back and relaxed. 

We got everything cleared up and after a while everything was back to boring, with Angela back at home. As boring as living with vampires can be.

I fell asleep that night in Edward's arms.


HOW WAS IT?!?!?!?!!?!? 

I am sad :,( Some copy writed this story!!!!!! AWWWWWW

The person did say the have read my story and it was first uploaded a month after this story.














Love for all!


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