Chapter 4 - Thunderstorms

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  Rowan walked inside the house, carrying several bundles of wheat in their arms. A smudge of dirt across their cheek. "Strife!" They called into the quiet house, their footsteps the only sound aside from their voice. The wheat went in a basket set beside the kitchen counter and stayed there until it was ground into flour for bread. Strife had said he would teach them to make bread, but he doesn't really talk to them much.

  In the short couple of days Rowan had been in Strife's house, they had managed to get a bed in the house, but it was in the only extra space Strife had... a tiny closet. They didn't mind, though. The space was enough for them. Besides, they didn't spend much time in that room anyways.

  "Strife?" Rowan peeked their head into Strife's bedroom, but didn't see him in there. 

  "I'm in the back!" Strife's voice echoed from the rear of the house, followed by the harsh sound of a door closing. His tone was less than inviting, more annoyed than anything. He always sounded like that to Rowan...

  Rowan quickly made their way to the back door, swinging it open to see Strife leaning over a fence to stroke the head of a pig inside. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and he had his sunglasses pulled down, hiding his eyes. When Rowan stepped outside, he turned to look at them.

  "I finished my work in the field. I put the wheat in the basket by the counter like you said," they said quietly, feeling smaller under Strife's invisible gaze. The steely expression they faced was unnerving to say the least. 

  "Well I don't have anything else for you to do, so just go do something." Strife turned back to the pig which had started nosing into the dirt at the bottom of the fence. Rowan frowned.

  "But you said you'd teach me how to-" Rowan was cut off when a far away roll of thunder resounded across the field. They shuddered, pausing to regather their thoughts. "...make bread. I th-thought we could t-try..." Strife shook his head.

  "I've got better things to do. In fact, I'm taking the horse out. Don't ask when I'll be back." Strife walked around the fence, fixing the sleeves of his shirt and putting his sunglasses on top of his head. Rowan stood still, just watching him leave because they didn't really know what they did. They could feel themselves practically bristling at the thought. Why does he hate them so much??

  "Can't you be a little nicer?!" They shouted after him, a little fed up with his hostility.

  "Can't you go away!?" 

  Rowan paused for a moment, making a quick decision. They sprinted forward, catching up with Strife. "Hey! Why are you being such an asshole?"

  "Really? That's what you're gonna call me after what I'm doing for you? I'm letting you stay in my house and eat my food and you're calling me the asshole!?" Strife was practically shooting steam from his ears. 


A/N This is as far as I could get in this story even though I had a lot in my mind about it. Who knows, I may pick it up in the distant future. But for now, I'm finished with it. If you want to know what happens, DM me and I'll tell you (because I literally have the majority of the story planned out mentally. I just can't write it.) 

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