Dont Come Back

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Later that night

I found myself at Belle's house. I knocked on the door and Easton answered. He scowled at me. "Patrick is ready to go. Ill go get him", he said. "Wait! Thats not what i came for", i said. "Then why are you here?", he asked. "I want to talk to Belle", i said. "You always seem to want to talk to her. She doesnt want to see you. Your taking away something important to her", he said.

"I need to see her", i insisted. He closed the door, and a few moments Belle came to the door. "You wanted to see me", she whispered. "Yes i did", i said. Before i could say anything, she did. "Patrick is almost ready. Ill go get him. You dont have to bring him over if you dont want to. You have full custody. No matter how much i want him or am going to miss him, you won fair and square. Ill go get him", she said sadly. I have never seen her so down.

"Wait Belle..." "Its over Soda. You won. When you leave, dont come back ok? Im only seventeen years old. I dont need this stress anymore", she said, closing the door. I sat there dumbfounded. In a million years, i never expected her to say those words. Easton opened the door and handed me one of the Patrick. I watched as Belle hugged Austin tightly. Easton scowled again as he closed the door.

I walked home thinking, I should have never done this. The twins shouldnt be seperated. Thats completely wrong to do. No matter what, i plan on fixing this.

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