Chapter 1~

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             This is it, I thought as the car finally stopped after entering through the iron clad gates. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of our car while Daddy grabbed my suitcases (yes I still call my Dad that.)

             "This is going to be the one sweetheart. I feel it." He said as he hugged me goodbye and kissed me on the forehead.

               He was one of the supportive and understanding father's. I thank God for that every day. While other adults give me disapproving looks after hearing about my heists, my dad simply laughs and asks for more information about my little "adventures".

               Even after all that he went through with momma; he is still there for me. Knowing how much worse it can get for me compared to momma, he's way-out-of-line overprotective of me it's scary. He is getting a tracker installed in my new car (the reason it isn't here yet), and my phone has one to. He got his security team to look up everything about my new roommate-including her love life! Why would one care? - And has talked my new principal into increasing security around the whole school...all for me. I know I should feel loved and flattered that I'm this important but really, it's getting overbearing.

                Oh whale. There isn't anything I can do about it so why not embrace it, right?

                "Bye my little angel," Daddy says while getting into his car. "Don't forget to call me every day, stay safe and inform me all about your pranks because I know telling you to stay out of trouble isn't going to work," he ends while chuckling.

                 Grinning, I nod my head and say "Love you too Daddy!" And start walking to the entrance of my new school.


              "Hello, you must be Alexandria." The lady behind the desk said flashing a genuine smile. By the name plate on her desk I figured out her name was Cathy Stevens. Might as well get to know it since I would be coming here a lot anyways I thought.

               I nodded.

             "Well welcome to Ravenswood Private School! Here is your schedule and dorm assignment and a map of the school. Come see me if you need anything else." She said smiling enthusiastically.

               Man, I thought. If I had even a fourth of the energy she does, I would probably be able to run the whole country...while being a cheerleader.


             307, 309, 311...Aha 311! I pumped my fist realizing I finally reached my dorm after only like 6867972784782 hours...yaaaa hehe.

             I finally found my key and entered my new home for the next 8 months. Starting school late wasn't that hard considering making friends was out of the equation: not that I haven't tried. It's just hard when you move as much as I do. I've moved like 7 times in the past 2 years. All because of Them. I suppressed a shudder at that thought knowing I couldn't let them keep controlling my life.

             "HEY!" Said a bubbly voice from inside the room. "I'm Trixie! You must be Alexandria. Can I call you Alex? To be honest, your name otherwise is a mouthful. And OMG you're so pretty! You're going to fit in so well with our gang I can just feel it. OMG I'm babbling aren't I? Sorry, I just haven't had a roommate-ever," she said sheepishly with a cute little smile on her face.

              She looked like a little pixie and after stepping into our room and looking at her side; I could tell she was, well, in love with the color pink and 5 Seconds of Summer. Not that I can blame her I mean, they are pretty good.

             "Hey," I said trying to muster the same amount of enthusiasm as her. "Yeah you can call me Alex, everyone does. And are you sure your friends won't mind if I hang with you guys?" I asked feeling a little unsure.

              "Oh yeah! They will totally love you," exclaimed Trixie. "In fact, let's go meet them right now!"

             Groaning on the inside, I followed her out and hoped for the best.


Hey Guys! Sorry it's so short and late. School has kept us us busy. We'll try and update real soon! :)

<3 ~

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