Chapter 3

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~Still Armin's P.O.V.~
Once I was in the mess hall I quickly grabbed my food and sat with Eren and Mikasa.
"Hey where were you?" Eren asked.
"Huh? Oh uh nowhere." I said. Krista and Arielle then came in laughing and smiling away.
'That smile. Wasn't she just crying? How can she hide it so easily?'
"Forget it Armin." Mikasa said.
"I know what you're thinking and you should let it go." I looked towards Arielle again. She said something to Krista and Sasha that made them laugh. I still wonder what is going on but maybe Mikasa is right. Maybe.

~Two years later and my P.O.V.~
I woke up in the morning to the sound of thunder. I quickly got dressed and headed out to the field. My jacket was starting to get short on the sleeves so I'll have to get it fixed to a size up. I still have been dealing with the depression the past two years but I'm still going. After a while I let Krista and Sasha in on my secret as well. They usually ask me about it to see if I'm okay. Keith Shadis said that we will be running for a few hours in the woods and in the rain. Once he told us that I knew I wouldn't make it since I can't run for a long time. He gave us the signal and off we went into the woods. I was doing good for a while but I didn't even make it to an hour was I started to drag my feet. Another while later Armin ended up in the back by me. I didn't bother to look at him because I feel so ashamed. He shouldnt be by me, he has a good build and I don't.
'Is he behind because he's losing energy? Could it be too much weight for him? Is he behind to make me feel better? No! Why would I think that? Why...why would I think that?' I thought to myself. Reiner then backed up so he could take Armin's bag. I ended up in the middle of the crowd because I got some of my energy back. I know if I didn't soon Shadis would have my head. Armin then ran past me to the front of the group, still struggling a bit, but hanging in there. I couldn't help but smile at his determination.
"Get that smug little smile off your face Hugmeyer or you'll end up doing more work!" Shadis yelled.
"Yes sir!" The next couple hours went by slowly but we made it back alive. Once back at camp we all went to the mess hall to eat. At the table I sat with probably the closest friends I have; Krista and Sasha. Krista was like an angel, being so kind to others all the time. Sasha in the other hand was like a bottomless pit. She could eat everything and still be hungry. As we sat and ate, we all talked like we usually did. We'd usually ask about each others morning or tell something funny that happened. All in all it was good. Today felt different though. I felt as if eyes were on me from behind and sure enough there were. I turned around and saw Armin looking at me. He noticed I saw him and quickly looked away thinking he wouldn't be caught. I lightly giggled and turned back around.
"Hey Arielle are you alright?" Krista asked.
"Huh what do you mean?"
"You're blushing like crazy." Sasha said. I apparently then started to blush even more and so the other two just giggled at me.
"I'm uh gonna go outside until practice." I said.
"Can I have the rest of your food?" Sasha asked.
"Of course."
"Sweet!" I walked out of the mess hall and noticed it was still raining so I ran into one of the buildings. I sat down on the floor and pulled up my sleeve. The scars were almost gone but the new ones looked a little infected. I apparently sat there for a while because I then heard the bell. I went outside to the field. It stopped raining so we wouldn't have to get wet that much today. I grabbed my gear and ran off to the woods again. I like using the 3dmg during the day. It feels a little relaxing. I then saw a 'titan' and slashed at the nape of the neck. I would eventually pass by some of the others and see how they were or see how they cut so I can learn other techniques. Again I didn't really slash at any of the dummies, its just not my thing unless absolutely necessary. When we went back to camp I took of my gear and lined up with everyone else. Today we are also doing a hand to hand combat practice. Keith Shadis walked in front of us seeing who should be partnered with who. I ended up with Connie.
"So you ready to be taken down Arielle?" He said jokingly.
"Sure whatever you say." I said with a little smile. He ran at me but at the last second I turned around and kicked him where it really hurts. He went down on his knees while I picked up the dagger.
"I don't know Connie I still seem to be standing okay. How about you?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.
"Oh come on. You knew exactly that, that would hurt."
"Yeah that's why I did it." I said with a little laugh. Connie just growled and walked away looking for a new partner. I then felt someone grab my left wrist.
"Don't be so smug. Especially if this can distract you from fighting back." Annie said.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
She walked away not explaining herself.

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