Chapter 1

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"Mom what are we doing today?" I asked.
"We are going to visit your father in Wall Maria." She said.
"Mommy, why did you and dad separate?"
"Oh Arielle, I don't think you'll understand quite yet."
"Okay mommy."
The rest of the way to dad's house was quiet. It was probably another hour until we got there. I walked up to his door and knocked.
"Hello sweety!"
"Hi daddy!" I said as I hugged him.
"Okay Arielle I have to go back home and do some stuff. You'll be with your father until then, alright?" My mother said.
"Okay. Love you mom."
"Love you too." She said as she gave me a hug. The last hug I'll have....for now.
All day my father and I were just hanging out. We decided to go out and walk around the town for a while before dinner. As we walked around I noted what a beautiful day it was. We walked around for a good couple hours, we even waved to some other people. As we were about to go home a lightening bolt shot down and shook the ground. I lost my balance and fell onto my knees. When I regained my balance I looked up to see a huge head peeking over the wall. Out of no where part of the wall came flying over the town and crashed down. The giant titan was making an entrance for the smaller ones.
"Run Arielle!" I didn't hesitate. I ran next to my father running back to the house. We ran and ran as far as we could without stopping but I stopped when a titan picked up my father.
"Let go of me you bastard! Run Arielle! Run away and try to find somewhere safe!" He yelled. Those were the last things he said to me as he was eaten. I couldn't help but stare and think about what just happened.
'What? What is happening?' I thought. The titan looked at me with its nasty face. It's hand reached out to grabbed me when someone grabbed me and started to run. He stopped running and set me on the ground by another boy about my age. The boy didn't even notice me as he stared at the ground. I then realized my mother was at home. I got up and ran towards the way to Wall Rose, the way my mother took me.
"Hey! Wait!" The boy yelled as he grabbed my shoulder.
"Let go! I need to find my mother!" I said as I pushed his arm off me.
"You can't go out there its not safe." He said.
"Watch me!" I yelled and ran again. I didn't have much energy but I still ran as fast as I could. I was drawing close to the wall when I saw my mother. She was running towards me when a piece of a house was falling down over me, I couldn't move.
"Arielle!!!!!" My mother yelled as she pushed me out of the way. I fell onto the ground when a pair of arms struggled to pick my up.
"Come on we have to leave."
It was the boy again, he followed me out here. I looked over to where the building fell. Underneath it laid my mother struggling to get out.
"Mom!" I yelled. I ran up to her and tried to pull her out.
"'s no....use." She said.
"Please come with me. You need to get out of here." The boy said.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" I yelled at him. He looked hurt, but I know he understands why.
"Boy c-can you...please take Arielle away from here? Keep her safe."
"No way! I can't-"
"Yes ma'am!" He said proudly. I stared at him like he's crazy.
'What are you doing?' I thought.
"Thank you, now run. Leave!" My mom said. He nodded his head and took my hand, pulling me to my feet.
"Be safe! I love you!" She yelled to me.
We ran back towards the boats, tears streaming down my face.
'Why? Why did this have to happen?' I asked myself.
"Armin where have you been?!" An older man said.
"Sorry but I had to save this girl here." The boy said. The man looked at me, like he was deciding something.
"Let's hurry and get on the boat." He said to Armin. I just looked down at the ground. I followed them to the boat hoping there would be room and if they let me on. The boy and His guardian got on board but before they could fully get on the man stopped and turned around to face one of the soldiers.
"Where is she?" He asked them.
"Who sir?" The soldier asked.
"My neice of course. She was supposed to come on with me and my grandson." He said, lieing through his teeth. The soldier looked down at me and back at the man.
"Is this her?" He asked as he pointed at me. The man saw me and smiled.
"Yes that's her. May she please get on board?" The soldier looked as if he was trying to make a decision. One he knew he might regret.
"(Sigh) fine. Hurry up before I change my mind." He said. I nodded and ran onto the boat. A few other people got on our boat before we took off. I sat down by the man, looking at my feet.
"Thank you...sir, for saving me." I said. The man looked shocked but then smiled.
"You're welcome....Arielle." I gasped at looked up at him.
"How do you know my name?"
"Your father and I were friends. When ever we ran into him, him and I would talk for a bit."
"Excuse me but who is "we"?"
"Me and my grandson, Armin. Your father would always mention you. Him and I even talked about setting a day where you and Armin could meet. Of course this is not how I imagined it."
"...but this doesn't explain how you know I'm his daughter." I said.
"You have his nose and chin. Plus you have your mother's eyes." He then again smiled at me and looked at Armin. I relaxed a bit and fell asleep pretty quickly. It wasn't long until we got inside Wall Rose. Once I got off the boat I went to go back to my house when a hand gripped my shoulder.
"Where are you going?" Armin asked.
"I'm going back to my house."
"But you don't have any parents."
"I know but I want to go back. Maybe get some things before I'm kicked out." I said before running home.
"Yes grandfather?"
"Follow her home. Help her grab some of her things. I'll take care of Eren and Mikasa when they get here."

Once I got back to my house I found my door locked. I looked around on the ground for a good rock. I found a pretty decent one and threw it through the window. I climbed in and went to my moms room. Her bedroom smelled like roses, my favorite flower. I walked over to her vanity and sat in the chair, legs dangling because I'm still small. I looked at all the pictures of my parents and me before they split.
Before I knew it tears were falling down once again. I went to my room and grabbed some of the more important things. Once everything was gathered I carried it all to my mother's room. I got into her bed and snuggled up to her pillow so I could be a little warmer since it was a little chilly. Then the bedroom door opened to reveal none other than Armin.
"What is it?" I asked as I turned over onto my other side so I didn't have to look at him.
"I came to help you get some of your things."
"What about your grandfather?"
"He stayed by the boat waiting for my friends to get there so he can take care of them." I still didn't look at him. I just couldn't bring myself to. What happened next was unexpected. He got into the bed and held me in his arms. His embrace was warm and comforting.
"I know it must be difficult, but try and look at the positive things. You have my grandfather, you have me, plus I'm pretty sure my friends will be there for you."
"Thank you but... What if none of them care for me?"
"I don't think that will happen." He said as he let go. He got out of the bed and picked up most of my things.
"Are you ready?" Armin asked. I nodded and grabbed the rest of my things. We went back to where we got off the boat and met up with his grandfather and two other kids.
Armin gently put my things down and walked over to his friends.
"Hey guys." He said obviously happy they are okay. "I want you to meet someone." I slowly walked over to them and gave them a tiny smile.
"Who is she?" The boy asked rudely. The girl elbowed him in his side as I looked down at the ground.
"What's your name?" The girl asked.
"Arielle." I said quietly but loud enough so they could hear.
"I'm Mikasa, and this brat right here is Eren." She said.
"Great another girl who will possibly be even more of a jerk then you." Eren mumbled. I couldn't stand this anymore.
"Arielle?" Armin asked. I gave him a tiny smile and said, "I'll see you around." Before running off to who knows where. I heard them yelling for me to come back but I can't. I knew I couldn't go back home, they would look for me there.
'I guess I'll just be out on the streets.' I thought to myself.
For the next few weeks I was alone, starving, and scared. I figured from the starving I would have lost some weight, but I didn't. It was nighttime and I was walking around when I saw Armin, Mikasa and Eren. Armin was sitting on the ground holding his grandfather's hat with some tears falling down his face.
"No..." I said quietly realizing why he was upset. I quietly walked out of the shadows, none of them noticing me. I crouched down beside Armin and gently wrapped my arms around him. He gasped and looked up.
"Arielle!" He said surprised. I gave a tiny smile and stood up.
"I saw you and can already tell what happened. For what it's worth I'm sorry about your grandfather Armin."
"Why do you care?!? You left us for weeks and then you decide to show up out of no where! You have some nerve to- ughhh!" Mikasa shut him up by elbowing him again. "(Sigh) Anyway. Like I was saying, I'm joining the soldiers next year. I'll finally be able to fight back, to be stronger." Eren said.
"I going too." Armin said quietly. I gasped at his words.
"No you don't have to." Eren said.
"I do! There isn't really anything left for me here." Armin said.
"I'm going too. I promised your mom I would take care of you. Remember, everywhere you go I go too." Mikasa said.
"Fine we'll all go together." Eren said. They all looked at me like they were expecting me to say something.
"What?" I asked them.
"Are you going to join too?" Mikasa asked.
"I-i don't know. Maybe but.....don't count on it." I said. They didn't seem to mind my answer very much. I gave them a small wave and I ran off into the dark of night.

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