~Chapter 1~

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"Dom!! Get your ass out here right now!! Oh and bring your 2013 gold bat! We've got company." My MC president Venus yells after me.

"Prez, who could possible be visiting us ugly motherfuckers?" I ask Venus when I come down our club house stairs with my all-star gold bat.

Venus turned around showing his star tattoo over his heart, and his six pack. That big motherfucker never wears a shirt. But you never see him without his cut. It was a little small on him. Venus pulls out the black and mild he's smoking and smirks at me. The fucker never smiles either unless Star is around, but thats another story.

"Dom, you know those Vanity "pussy fucking" Tears are always trying to start something." Venus says back and I crack up laughing trying to antagonize them.

The Vanity Tears President stepped forward, that small fucker was like 5'0 feet to my 6'0 feet frame that stood over him. The rest of his club stood behind him but they was far back, telling us that they wasn't going to get in the middle unless they had to.

Crash, which is Venus's third right man step up by us. Venus was in the middle while I was beside him, his second in command the one that handles shit when it goes down. That's why he asked me to come with my bat, cause he knows I love beating the shit out of people.

"Crash, why don't you tell the Vanity Tears president, that he's crossing territory by being in Flame's bar!" Venus yelled right in Vanity's Prez face.

"Venus, don't go there you are the one that cross us first, by fucking my bitch last night!" Jazz yells back. Yeah the Vanity's President has a bitch ass rode name. Who the hell calls himself Jazz.

"Jazz don't act like your bitch wasn't asking for my big dick. And plus I don't know why you came you know that slut has been on every snake eye, also I don't want the bitch." Venus sneer back.

Me and Crash, start cracking up when we looked at Jazz's face being all bunched up with irratation. Only me and Crash out of our MC know the real reason why Venus wants nothing to do with her or any girl, but maybe to use them just for sex.

"Fucking Flame's always have to have their big egos!! And..." Venus cut Jazz off by laughing mechanically, Venus wasn't our President for nothing this mother fucker is crazy.

"Jazz you forgot our big Dicks, with those egos." Venus says back and smirk.

"I second that!! My Dick is pretty big." I say after Venus, and Crash just looks at me.

"Anyway, Jazz are you here just to have a pissing contest with that flaccid dick or are we going to get down to business and actually solve this thing?" Venus asks.

"I think I want to have a pissing contest, but my dick won't be Flaccid." Jazz says back.

Crash, Venus, and me start cracking up. "Dude that means you are hard in a full room of dudes!! Man are you gay?" Crash asks laughing. We turn to Jazz and wait for his answer.

Jazz's face was red as a tomatoe. "No I'm not gay!! I just meant that I'll beat your asses!"

"Yeah, whatever you say Gay...I mean Jazz." Crash say and then laugh again. "Hey, tell your fucking dog!! To quit playin' I don't got time for this." Jazz says.
That's when I step in front of Venus and get in Jazz's face. "I don't like it when people are racist." I say, and have steam coming from my eyes. Everyone knows I don't play that racism card. See Crash is black and when Jazz called him a dog everyone knows that's a racial term down here in the south, towards our African American community.

"Venus you, better get your man to back off. Everyone knows I didn't mean it like that." Jazz says back. Venus pushes me to the side and punch Jazz in the face.

"I better do nothing!!" Venus yells. The fucking crazy motherfucker had started something now. Now we had to fight, since Venus had to hit Jazz. Venus doesn't like anybody to tell him what to do, or he knocks your lights out, well instead of Star that girl can get away with murder.

I hit Jazz's second in command and that son of a bitch goes down like a bag of bricks. My eyes widen when I look behind me and see Venus taking out shit dogs, from left to right with one punch. That motherfucker has a advantage being big.

Jazz got more of his guys come in off their bikes trying to take us down, but if others in our MC see that we are having a fight in the bar, they will come running from the main house since it isn't to far from us.

Sure nough' it become a full fledged fight between the two MC's. One of the Vanity's came at me with a pocket knife and sliced my mid section pretty bad, but I took that shit and knocked that motherfucker down. And that's when Train came runnin in took a shot gun and shot in the air.

"I suggest you pussy fuckers get out of Flame's bar and territory before I put a cap!! In every last one of you!!" Train yells. And Jazz gets up from the floor where Venus knocked him down.

"We're gone!! No need for that. But I can guarantee you Venus, this is not the last you heard from me!" Jazz yells. "Oh shut the fuck up!!" Crash yells.

"Vanity Tears!! We're out!!" Jazz yells and the rest of his MC crew walked out but one. He stayed behind, just for a minute and stared down Crash, like he was something to eat. I noticed too, that he didn't fight either. A matter of fact he just watched Crash fight. Huh, thats weird. He eventual walked away and thats when I heard the rest of the motorcycles pull away.

"Crash you see that guy staring you down?" I ask him curious. "Yeah, that was...Fuck!! Did you get stabbed Dom?!" Crash yells at me. "Yeah, man but its just a flesh wound, nothing to..." I start to say but I got week and fell over myself at the back bars table, and knocked some chairs over.

"Shit!! Crash go bring the car around!!" I heard Venus yell. "B-B-But I thought we couldn't go to the hospital?" Crash stutters out.

"Mother fucker!! We ain't going to the hospital we going to the one person that he doesn't want to see, and she's the only one that can help him." Venus tells Crash.

My last words before I blacked out were; "shit."

Jake: Flame Warrior MC 1Where stories live. Discover now