I wake up the sun glaring down at me. My head pounds like mad and everything hurts. I look over at Lori she's asleep with a hand resting on her tummy. Glenn comes up the ladder with a bottle of water and some pills.
"Take these, I felt better after taking some. You were proper wasted last night." He chuckles.
"Shhhh, my head hurts." I quickly swallow the pills. "Thanks, Glenn. Where's Daryl?" I squint at Glenn.
"Still not here. Maggie and I are going on a run. Just for some basic supplies." He slips down the ladder and I hear the car rumble off.
Lori stares at me, still half asleep.
"What?" I smirk.
"You, last night. That was the first time I've laughed in ages."
I groan, "What did I do?"
"Well, you drunk a whole bottle of Jack Daniels. You fell down the ladder and landed on your ass and you tried to throw the empty bottle into the trunk but it went backwards instead..." She's cut off by the distant rumble of an engine.
Probably just Maggie and Glenn. I climb off the RV and I step inside. Everyone stares at me as I walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror. Dark bags circle my eyes and mud is stuck in my hair. I braid my hair before walking out, everyone's crowed around someone. Chris turns around smiling like a lunatic.
"What's going on? I yawn.
Everyone steps to the side and Daryl sits on his bike, crossbow slung across his back. He smiles.
"Alright sunshine?"
My legs take over my whole body and I sprint towards him. I catapult myself into his arms and I knock him to the ground.
"Daryl, I've missed you so much." Tears fall out of my eyes as I cup his face and kiss him.
He pushes me off him and stands up.
"Ya 'ad me worried sick." He throws his hands in the air. "I thought ya were dead. Running off like that." Anger fills his voice but he smiles. "I've missed ya too."
He pulls me in for another round of kissing. We walk into the RV and Lori explains everything to him.
"She hasn't slept at all. Last night she got drunk and she was so funny." Lori laughs.
"Ya got drunk without me?" Daryl scoffs. "Didn't think ya had the balls."
I punch his arm and he wraps me in his jacket as we make out. Lori and everyone leaves as Daryl walks me towards the bed. He pulls off his shirt and I pull off all my clothes except my underwear. He wriggles out of his pants and we get under the covers. Daryl wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear.
"I ain't ever lettin' ya go again."
I look into his blue eyes and smile.
"I love you Daryl Dixon."
"I love ya too, Lottie Pratt."
I rest my head in his chest and soon I'm asleep.

It's been around seven months since shit happened at the farm and we still haven't found a home. We drive round in the cars, looting houses and killing walkers. Rick is determined to find somewhere safe for Lori to have the baby, we all are. It's just a matter of time.
I wake up and the bed is cold. I quickly throw on my clothes and I step outside. We aren't on the highway anymore, but in a small town. Carol and Lori sit on the top of the RV with Hedi and Carl. He's grown up so much and is in need of a haircut. We all are, but mainly Daryl, Rick, Hershal and Carl. Rick and Chris are in dire need of a shave. Andrea never got out of the farm. Well, we think. I just hope that we can find sanctuary somewhere we can call home. I don't care what it is, just as long as it's safe. I climb to the top of the RV and I sit down next to Lori.
"Where is everyone and how long have I been asleep?" I rub the sand from my eyes.
"All night and morning. It's the first time you have slept properly in ages." Lori rubs her tummy and groans in pain. "Little ones kicking. Been doing it for ages. Everyone went out to get supplies. But I bet that Chris and Beth went only to have sex somewhere, same with Maggie and Glenn."
"Those guys, at least Daryl and I aren't that bad." I wink at the ladies.
"No worse. You two do it right under our noses, walkers were everywhere last time." Carol grins.
I can't believe how much she's changed. We all have. Hedi isn't scared anymore she sometimes even helps kill the walkers.
"Why did we stop here, I thought that we were supposed to be going until night?"
"RV broke down, Glenn doesn't think he can fix it nor T-Dog. Said that they don't have the right tools and it will be too noisy." Lori looks sadly at the road. "We might have to leave it here and take the cars. It's going to be awkward trying to fit everything in. Two cars, thirteen people and supplies."
"Daryl and I will take the bike. Then everyone else can fit in the cars, supplies in the trunks, boom! I just solved our problems in three moves."
Carol and Lori chuckle.
"Wanna hear a story, my mom told me it?" I ask Lori and Carol, they nod eagerly. "Apparently, when Daryl was younger he got lost in the woods for nine days. Survived by eating berries and wiping his ass with poison oak. When he finally got back the first thing he did was go into the kitchen and make himself a sandwich. He was fine, apart from the fact his ass was itching."
They fall into a fit of hysterics.
"How did you know that?" Carol chuckles.
"Mom told me. She knew the Dixon's well, cause my dad supplied Merle with drugs." I snigger.
Hedi looks up at me yawning.
"Carol can you take Hedi and Carl into the RV. They need some sunscreen on their beaks." I flick Hedi's nose.
Carol nods and helps them down the ladder. I look over at Lori.
"You want to go for a walk?" I look at her and she shrugs.
I carefully help her down the ladder and I shout to Carol. I hope they'll be okay. I quickly grab my bow and arrows before we march off down the street. We find a high fenced back garden and we go sit in it. Lori clasps my hand tightly.
"What's wrong, Hun?"
Tears start to fall out of my eyes.
"I can't take it anymore. Being with Daryl has brought back so many memories."
"You can talk to me, I won't tell anyone. Take it all out. Now what memories?"
I take a deep breath and I look her in the eyes.
"Only two people know about this and one of them is dead and ... and I don't know if the other one is dead or alive. Hedi isn't my sister ... she's my daughter."
I look at Lori and she stares at me speechless.

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