big announcement

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Violettas p.o.v
*it has been a month since I've been in the studio a lot of things has happened but I'm still with leon and francesca is actually dating diego they look so cute together and ludmila well..she is still a single Pringle but she is happy...and the person who was threatening us is not texting us anymore which is wierd but we still have to figure out who it is..and in angies assignment we all did really well right now we are all just waiting for Pablo and Antonio to come because they said they have great news*

"Hello class how are you?" Antonio said as he walks into the room we all greeted him and Pablo

"Okay now we are gonna have a show and youmix is sponsoring us to do it so." Pablo told us the great news as we all cheered "but I want all of you guys to come up with choreography for the song that you are all gonna write and we have some solos the female solo goes to (violetta) and the male solo goes to (federico)" Pablo said that I gonna do the solo ahh I'm nervous and excited "ahhhh I knew of course non of us mater right? It's only violetta violetta" camila shouted to Pablo and Antonio "no no camila you're also gonna be on the show" Antonio calmly said "Yeah as a back row singer for violetta" camila said "you know what if maybe if you were talented as villu maybe you would get a solo" francesca said to camila as all of the students laugh "but camila you,ludmila and francesca are gonna do a trio at the show " Pablo told cami and ludmi and fran "WHAT?!!" Ludmila and francesca were freaking out "we can never work with her I mean have you guys just met her" ludmila told Antonio "Yeah I mean hello supernova over here" camila said to Pablo "no that is it you 3 are gonna do the trio and you have to write a song and a choreography for it" Pablo explained to the 3 of them..."ohh and I also want (leon,diego,Broadway,marco and Andrés) to preforme as a band for the show" Pablo told the guys "Yeah that would be awesome" leon said and the boys all agreed "good now students...get ready the show is only one week away..good luck" Antonio said as the bell ringed

*time skipped*

"Ugh I can't believe I have to work with camila the untalented" francesa said loudly I think because camila and lara were passing by us
"Excuse me what did you just say" camila said omg wow she is really scary
"she said you are untalented " ludmila talked right back to her
"Awh look who finaly spoke" camila said as she was mocking ludmila
"Hey why won't you go and find someone who is acuatlly willing to talk to get out of my face you bitch " I told her I was just so mad at her she walked away
"Wow villu so the nice girl does have a bad side" francesca said and I smirked a bit "yup and she was asking for it so.." all three of us laughed
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Hey guys what's up? So yay I updated and I'm sorry bc this chapter is super boring and I'm gonna update 'moonlight'
I'm trying to finish my these 2 books so I could publish a new story I have In mind pls vote and comment you guys never vote anymore *cries*


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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