diamond necklace

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Violettas p.o.v
•leon said he's got 2 gifts for me awh I know he is so sweet and caring•
Me: please tell me what it is pretty please with sugars on top
Leon:okay..just close your pretty eyes first
•I closed my eyes and he came closer and I could feel his lips on mine I felt so great•
Me:awh that was the best gift ever and if you have the best boyfriend you'll get nice gifts
Leon:but that's not all pretty princess...close your eyes again
•he puts this thing on my neck when I opened my eyes I see this diamond necklace with the letter V•
Me: oh my god leon this....is uhm I'm speechless •i hugged him so tight•...thank you Leon
Leon:no problem
•ludmila and francesca came over to us•
Ludmi: oh my god villu is that a diamond necklace?!!!!!!!!
Me:yeah leon bought it for me
Fran:awhh how sweet
Ludmi:yeah...relationship goals ha?
•we were in the middle of laughing then suddenly cami and her crew(fede and diego)and who is that girl next her•
Cami: ohh are you guys sad about villu not getting in?*she wins like a baby*
Fran: acuatlly camila she got In
Cami:well..it doesn't matter because I'm still the queen of the studio
Me:sure you are(!)
Cami:listen violetta I'm gonna get you out of here one way or another.....and Leon I can't believe you are actually dating this girl
Leon:Hey this girls name is violetta and you actually have to shut up because I know all your secrets so if I were you I would be quite *he smiles devishly..I smile too*
Diego:stop that's it stop arguing and cami leave these girls alone what did they ever do to you?
Fran:you know what digo is right let's stop
Cami:awhh look little frannie finally said something you dork
Diego:you can't talk like that about fran you have no rights
??:Hey you actually can't talk to her like that*she stands up for cami*
Me:and who are you?
??:I'm lara I'm new
Me:aha wow cami you already have a slave good
Cami:she is not my slave she is my assistant
Ludmi:uhm what's the difference
Cami: there is a lot of difference but you are too dumb to realize
Ludmi: ohh I've had enough of your attitude
•we were still arguing until finally the bell ring and we had to go to class•
Cami:this is NOT over
•I walk to the class with the girls•
??:hello everyone I'm angie I'm your singing teacher
All:good morning Ms. Angie
Angie:okay so I wanna welcome the new students and for today im gonna give all new assignments so you have to work in pears I've already set it up...
*while angie was talking Pablo walked in with a boy*
Pablo:sorry for cutting you of angie but this is the new kid he is from Brazil now he doesn't know anyone here in Buenos Aires so help him out if he needs anything
•I saw camila looking at him I mean it's kinda wierd because she has a boyfriend•
angie:so the pairs are
Violetta and Leon
Francesca and diego
Cami and Broadway
Ludmila and federico
Lara and Josh
I'm so sorry for not updating lately I've been busy pls vote and comment thanks


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