Chapter Two

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When I woke up that morning I jumpped up as soon as my alarm went off. I ran into my own bathroom and unpacked all my things, then stepped into the walk-in shower. Normally I would have taken forever, trying to stay warm as long as possible, but I was so gittery and excited about the photo shoot today that it was all I could think about. I blow dried my hair pin straight and put in large silver hoop earrings after swiping on a black smoky eye.

"Hey, are you going to come with me?" I stopped Jes ib the hallway. She was already dressed in real Uggs and a graphic tee with some sweet skinny jeans.

"What kind of sister would I be if I let you drool over hot guys all by yourself?" She grinned, showing me the foamy toothpaste.

"Ew! Finnish brushing." I laughed and walked back into my closet. I changed into super tight greyish skinny jeans and a tight white v-neck shirt without the cami, and pulled on black five inch stilleto heeled boots that came up to mid-shin. My finnishing touch was my new black leather jacket. I grabbed a white Coach clutch and added all my money and new superman allowance to it as well as my licence and lipgloss. I walked downstairs and mom handed me a bowl of strawberries and pineapple.

"Here." She said. "I even added sugar."

"Awesome. Thanks mom!" Jes came downstairs and she and I got into my Mustang, and mom into her own Proche. We followed her to the store and walked inside.

"Oh my god!" Jes squeeled. "You get to out your hands all over that!"

"Shh!" Mom hissed We opened the front glass doors and walked towards the back where the photo shoot was taking place. As soon as we reached the set we were approached by a chineese looking woman that had absolutely no Chineese accent at all.

"Mrs. and Miss Cruz?" She asked. "I nodded, shaking her hand. "It's so good to finally meet you. We've all looked over your portfolio - the other models, that is - and everyone here is excited your here. Almost all of them are men, but oh well." She laughed. I was still thinking about how she was managing to shake hands - she was hoplding a clipboard and an iPad in one hand, and coffee and an iPhone in the other, as well as a pencil, trying to write at the same time. "Well, the agent your mother got you is in the back - Mrs. Cruz, if you could please take her - he is in costume, so you will go there, meet him, and then change. Were shooting for our catalogue, and then you and Mr. Marcus will be doing our lingere shot for the new billboard.

"Awesome." I said.

"Another Cruz?" She asked Jes.

"Yeah, I'm here for moral support." She smiled.

"Good! You can give me your feedback on some of your sister's photos, if thats okay with you?" Mrs. Chen asked.

"Of course!"

"You want coffee?" SHe turned and shouted to someone. "Marco! I need a chair for Miss Cruz and a double chocolate latte! Actually, make that two!" Looking over my shoulder I saw a stage hand run over and give them their things and shot Lindy a thumbs up as I was uhered into the back. My agent was sitting down on a couch talking to his boyfriend, another white guy - they were both tan and muscular - too bad they were gay.

"Ah! You must be Miss Cruz! It's sooo good to finally meet you!" I must say I do love the gay community. "Uh, this is my boyfriend Jesse, he helps me out a lot around here."

"Nice to mee you." I said, shaking hands with both of them.

"Now, we can talk more later, but Mrs. Chen keeps buzzing me to quit talking and get you changed! Right, so we have quite a few dresses and new shoes that we would like you to model for us before the billboard lingere shoot thingy." The peoplle here definately liked their coffee.

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