Chapter One

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When my family caught that big break, everything changed. One day we were struggling to get by on what little we had, and the next day were moving to a mansion in New York. I looked out the window, wonder how it had all happened. My mom had blown off my questions and said that she'd gotten a new job, and dad had gotten his law degree. Sure, that ws all true, but just because dad was now a lawyer and mom some major designer's top photographer, I'd been ripped away from my life. My twin sister looked over at my from the passenger seat.

"Remi!" Damn. I turned the wheel and spun off after my parents. They'd Taken a ight off the highway and I'd been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I had completely overlooked it. "What the hell was that?" She asked, looking over at me. "You have coffee for a season, you know." She shoved my starbucks cup into my hand.

"Sorry, sorry, I totally forgot." I took a drink, the AC blowing heat throught my model hair. I ajusted my Aviators and sighted, taking a sip of my drink.

"You forgot?"

"I was thinking, okay?" I snapped.

"About Heath?" She asked, only half listening. The was partially occupied by her unfinished level of Angry Birds on my iPhone.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I obviously can't see him anymore, and I know that Donna was just all over him."

"But you broke up with him, right?" She frowned.

"Of course, the prick wouldn't drop anything about my body. It's, like, all his brain was comprised of." I slammed on the horn when a bunch of idiots pulled in front of us.

"So he knows it's over. He's going to try to get you mad."

"Now how the hell would he do that?" I asked, turning again down a new road. "He won't ever see me again. I hope." I added.

"Did you two ever trake pictures?"

"Not like that, and I never let him go too far. The only guys I've ever done it with I was either drunk or had been dating for a year. Remember Glen?"

"Oooh, he was a cutie." She laughed.

"Well, he was the only one I fully remember. But anywho, the only thing that's making me mad is how my supossed BFF was trying to cozy up to him before we broke up, so I don't know."

"Well, like you said - you'll never see them again." She shrugged and returned to the game as I blasted Fast Lane by Bad Meets Evil.

"Girls?" Dad said through our speaker phone. "Welcome to the Cruz estate!" We turned the corner and pulled ito a lane. It was paved and perfectly kept, too perfect to seem real.

"Holy shit." Jes said from next to me. Ahead of us there was a gate.Yeah, that's right. A full blown black iron celebrity mansion kind of gate. Last month this wouldn't even have been in my wildest day dreams.

"This is going to be so awesome!" I laughed.

"There's more than just the house, girlies!" Mom said. "I've packed your closets."

"As in all new clothes and shoes?" I asked.

"Like you have no idea." I could hear mom grinning. When we parked in the full circle drive way, I looked up at the house again. It was four times the sgot out ize of a large house, and as Dad explained, had a lake pool in the back as well as an inside one as well as an indoor gym. I got out of my car and walked to the front door with my Mom and Dad, Jes by my side.

"Where're the boys?" Jes frowned.

"There." I pointed down the lane as my bothers came down the drive towards us. The two guys got out and jogged up the stairs to join us. These two were also twins, about a month older than Jes and I. Kevin had brown hair and blue eyes, and AJ had blonde hair and blue eyes.Lady's men, athletic jocks, and partiers, they were always super popular. Jes and I were just cute chicks in some old public school. But now that we had moved, It was all going to be different. We opened the double doors into the entrance way. I hung up my white P-coat and Mom and Dad led their stunned children into the kitchen, then to the dining room.

"Welcome home!" I blinked hard and looked around. Staff. We had staff. This was something reserved for the celebs and royal families and multi freaking million slash billionares! We sat down at the huge table and they served us dinner and we all talked. The cook, Jackie, turned and got into a convorsation with mom. A girl walked in and sat down next to her, across from me. She shot me a glance and I sent back a slight smile. My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out. It was a message from Donna. It was abunch of pictures. I clicked download, but mom called my name.

"Remi, this is Danielle." She said, gesturing to the girl across from me. I smiled at her again, but she only gave me a dirty glare.

"What's your problem?" I asked quietly. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone and sent a text.

"Put it away, Danielle." Her mom said. "Not at dinner." I smirked.


"Now." She hissed. I pulled out my phone with my now fully downloaded message.

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

"Hm?" Jes leaned towards me and I showed her.

"Damn," She said. "That ho gets around."

"She didn't have to go far for this man hore." I spat, instantly opening an email. I sent the pictures of Donna and heath to her mom and turned my cell phne off.

Jes and I walked upstairs to our rooms. Hers was purple, and had basically two storys. Her bed and desk was on one level and up a small flight of stairs (or you could just climb up the wall) was her walk in closet, dresser, and a couch. Also on the lower level was a beanbag and a flatscreene. There were two glass double doors that led out onto a balcony that she and I would share. We walked outside onto it and the view could take your breath away. The lake pool was lit up by small lights hidden in the plants, and the sound of the faterfall could make falling asleep out here super easy. My bedroom was designed the same as hers, but mine was red with tan carpet while hers was purple with white. I fell onto my kingsize bed and stared up at the ceiling fan.

"This place should be on some billionare cribs thing." I said.

"Wait - I forgot to look at my closet!" She jumpped up out of my beanbag and ran back into her room. I sat up and jogged over to my own. I puoned the double doors and found myself in the Tyson mall. There were sections devided out for certain desiners - Chanel, Gucci, Nordstroms, J. Crew (my favorite), GAP, Ralph Lauren, Versace, Armani, DKNY, Calvin Klein, Coach bags, Vera Wang, Juicy Coture, Luis Vuitton, and Oscar de la Renta, as well as my own MAC counter. These sections included glasses, watches, bags, jewelry, and more shoes than my whole family had ever owned, not to mention the clothes. So this is what the rich and famous have.

I changed into the first pair of pj's I found and braided my long blond hair so it wouldn't get in my face. I sat down behind my new Lenovo laptop and turned it on. I got onto Facebook and typed 'when your life gets flipped upside down, what do you do? a) embrace it b) run the other way c) scream bloody murder and hope and pray that someone can fix it...?' There were fifteen responces in the next five minutes I spent clearing out my spam folder. Most people chose B and C, but those who wanted it to be a positive thing chose...A. Duh.

I wasn't quite sure what to make of this whole new lifestyle. Seemed to me as though mom and dad were just rso ready for it that they were just enjoying it. Despite it being paper, truth is, money doesn't grow on trees. But as for the money? They were still sending us to public school.

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