Dean: find gay angel

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dean looked for his angel in the crowd. the loud music blasted in the background. "cas~" he called once in a while. he held his beer high over his head. "CAS!" he bummed into someone much taller than him. "hey watch i- oh hey sam." "have you seen cas?" dean shook his head. "I've been trying to find him... I'm kind of regretting taking him to this concert." sam smiled and shrugged. "i bet he's having a blast." dean sighed. "this calls for drastic measures." dean used his hands as a microphone and shouted. "DEAN WINCHESTER DIDNT DESERVE TO BE SAVED!" he grinned at sam and counted down from 3 on his fingers.
1... 2... 3...
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY? I WILL KILL WHOEVER SAID THAT!" castiel could be seen jumping up and down in the crowd in front of them waving his arms around. "ahh theres my angel." dean said walking to castiel. sam gave a small laugh and followed him.

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