Chapter 3

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I woke to the sound of knocking on my door and finally forced myself out of bed, dreading the conversation awaiting when I opened the door. Since I was still upset about what happened at the picnic I avoided everyone yesterday and took all my meals in my room.

"Oh Ahren were so sorry about waking you up but-"

"It's fine really I should be apologizing for making a scene in front of everyone but mom, dad, I don't think it was very far of you guys to assume that I would be doing the selection when i hadn't agreed to it yet. The selection is a big deal, it's my chance to find a significant other and someone to rule alongside me and I need some time to think about it. I hope you understand."

Mom and Dad looked at me for a long time and let out a long sigh.

"That was a very mature and smart way to answer Ahren, you'll make a fine king one day and I know the pressure of the selection can be overwelming believe me, I went through it but Ahren time is running out. More and more riots are occuring all over Illea, you need to decide soon son." Father said.

"Maxon when did you get all tough and stern?" My mother teased.

Dad rolled his eyes but they both were already on their way out.

" Will you be joining us for breakfast today?"

"of course I will." And we started to the dining room.

It was late afternoom and by now I had finished all my work for the day and decided to play the piano. I was half way through a song my mom had composed when when a nudge startled me.

"Wow you're getting good at that song too bad you can't sing as well as you play."

Even though I had the piano skills and Eadlyn had the artsy photo skills inherited from our dad, she was still a much better singer then I ever was.

"Ha ha very funny Eady, shouldn't you be on another date with Kile or shopping for another tiara to add to your collection?"

"Well actually, Kile and I were supposed to fly out to Zuni and greet the people,hopefully figure out some of the issues and also they have the most beautiful spots for photos but Josie she's such a brat! Everytime Kile and I plan to fly out of Angeles she always does everything she can to keep us here and now I dont have any plans and Kile's busy."

"Wow what a sad life you live. Your 'amazingly hot and talented boyfriend has to play with his little sister and now you can't fly out of the province' how do you even manage?"

"Oh shut up with the sarcastic comments I came here to ask about you and the selection. Have you decided yet?"

I haven't thought if the selection since this morning. Did I really wanna do this in front of all of Illea? Would it really help boost morale or will it make matters worst? Dad's been saying time is running out so it wouldn't hurt to try. Maybe me coming out to the world will help others who are struggling themsel-


"What?" I said startled.

"Goodness Ahren you never listen when I speak do you? But anyways I said, are you doing it or not?"

"Yes. I will hold the selection."

"Oh I am so excited! Were going to have to redecorate the rooms because I seriously think everything is so out of date and I can't for all the food testing and I know May will love it too!"

"Haha yes and Ahren once the selection begins you will enjoy it and understand it will be beneficial not only to the people but to your own life. I am so happy you agreed!"

Mom and dad were both so excited when I asked to meet them in dad's office after lunch and told them the news though I have yet to tell them the even bigger news. I've been putting it off till the very end because I have been too nervous to say it but I guess I have to.

"There is one more thing you should know.." I started.

Dad raised his left brow and gave mom a weary look, "and what is it?"

I took a deep breath.

"I've been hiding this for a long time now and I guess since I will be doing the selection I should let you guys know that I'm gay. Eadlyn is the only person who knows and she accepts me. This was also the reason why i didn't want to do the selection because I was afraid of how you would take the news and how all of Illea would feel about it but I am ready now, to let the world know snd I'm sure theres a lot of other people who feel this way who have been too afraid to say it. Now I am here telling you guys and if you don't want me to go through with the selection anymore I understand. All I ask is for you guys to accept me, for who I am."

Their jaws dropped and they both looked very shocked which was expected. They stared at me long and hard but glanced at each other from time to time. They continued to do so for the longest time till I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Can you please just say something!" I yelled.

Finally they both stood up and walked over to give me one of the buggest hugs I've had in a long time. They both smiled and mother looked like she was about to cry.

"Ahren we both love you unconditionally and don't think this news will change anything because it doesn't. Now I'm not sure how exactly the public will react to this but we will be withh you every step of the way.

" I just wish you didn't keep this to yourself for so long. Your mother and I will always be proud of you but this is going to break a lot of girls hearts." He joked.

"Hahaha well anyways now what?" I asked anxiously.

"Well there's going to be a report at the end of this week which will be when we announce your news and all we have to do now is write the letters that will be sent out to every eligble male in Illea."

I gulped. This was really happening. I was really doing this.

AUTHORS NOTE: heheh hi sorry i've been busy with school and im about to meet cassandra clare ahhh

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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