Chapter 2

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"Are you busy?" I asked as I opened the door.

Eadlyn was pacing around her room still in her nightgown trying to decide what gown to wear for the day.

"Oh not at all what's up?" She asked. Her wide and bright hazel eyes tells me she's very excited.

"Kile planned a lovely breakfast picnic in the garden today for all of us and I need the perfect dress."

"Yellow gown with the grey detailing and that blue necklace."

"Wow Ahren when did you get so fashionable?" She teased.

"You know I've always been the more fashionable one but anyways thats not why I came here. Mom and dad want me to hold a selection Eady, A SELECTION! They think it will help boost morale and I dont know what to do."

Eadlyn sighed, "oh Ahren whats the problem? I think you should just do it and plus you know you can't win against mom and dad and It may not solve all the problems but it will distract the people."

Distract the people...Eadlyn is my twin and I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted her to tell me but I thought she would agree with me and give some sort of advice!

"You of all people know exactly why I can't do this! Even if I wanted to find someone or get married I dont want to do it with the whole world watching! And what if mom and dad and the people of Illea dont accept me and what if the news sparks even more controversy? Eady please I need your help."

"Oh right that.. Ahren mom and dad love you. The people of Illea love you! They will accept you for who you are and this might even be good news. You know you aren't the only person who likes guys and if you came out on national television it might even help a lot of people! I say you do it. The people love and worship you for goodness sake." She tells me with a reassuring smile.

I never thought about it that way. Could there really be a lot of people out there struggling to come out and embrace who they are? But they weren't constantly in the eye of the public how could they possibly struggle when their lives were so free?

"Eadlyn, when did you get so wise?"

"Well once upon a time, I was very jealous of you because you were the heir to the throne and Illea's hearthrob and the people thought of me as some bossy heartless tyrant. Then one day Kile found me crying in the garden and well you know how me and Kile never got along much when we were children and I guess even when he saw me when I was most vulnerable he accepted me and showed me he cared and that opened my eyes. So basically what I'm trying to say is do the selection. It will be good for you and perhaps you'll find someone that will open your eyes to something even I can't show you."

I pretended to be sick by her story and smiled. Maybe the selection will be good for me.

"That was gross but you know what? I'm hungry so let's get to that picnic!".

I held out my arm for her and opened the door exactly how Cecily taught me.

Always be a gentleman, Ahren.

Cecily constant yelling and teaching would enternally be stuck in my head.

As we walked down the hall I thought hit me. What if my parents asked me about the selection during the picnic? Of course I would tell them but it was such a lovely day today and I don't want to ruin it. Should I tell them today? Or wait a few days to plan everything out.

"Are you okay?" Eadlyn asked, staring at me concernly.

Not realizing I stopped walking I continued on and reassured her.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

But was I really? Would everything be okay in the end?

We entered the garden and everyone was already eating and chatting away. Uncle Carter and Auntie Marlee were there chatting away with mom and dad along with Josie and of course Kile. Kaden and Osten were running around as usual and even Aunt May was here! I ran over to her and gave her a great big hug. Out of all my relatives she was definietly my favourite.

"Wow Ahren you get stronger and taller everytime I see you!"

"Well maybe if you came around more often I wouldn't look as different."

"You're in luck then! Mer was just telling me you're going to be holding a selection and so I thought I would stick around a bit longer to see the girls and meet them."

I could suddenly fell the anger boiling up inside of me. Why would mom tell her about the selection when I haven't even agreed to it? Did she tell EVERYONE here?

"Oh yes Ahren! America was also telling me that we were even goijg to redecorste the rooms for your selection! I'm so excited!" Shouted Auntie Marlee.

At this point I couldn't this anymore. Why did mom and dad assume that I would do the selection anyways? This was my choice, not theirs.

"Well actually I never agreed to any of this! And for a matter of fact, I'm not going to do the selection. I am perfectly capable on my own thank you very much." I stormed out of the gardens into our home standing up tall with confidence afraid to look back.

What have done? I just made a scene in front of my entire family! I was the future king! I am supposed to be a good example and solve problems, not start them!

I went to the library. It was my favourite room here besides my own room because I love books and writing and it was also the quietest place in the palace. I picked up one of my favourite classics, "A Tale of Two Cities" and sat in my favourite chair not even realizing someone else was in here. Jacob.

"I'm so sorry your highness! I'm on my break and I didn't realize anyone would be in here but I'll be on my way now." Jacob said startled.

"That would be very appreciated right now, thank you Jacob."

Usually I didn't send people away but I need to be alone right now and the library was my escape. Who knew Jacob liked books too. I felt bad for sending him off and it didn't help that he was cute too. What am I thinking? I have more important things to worry about than his feelings. I was going to be king. I can't like little things distract me. Not when the future of the people were in my hands.

I know I'm not the best at writing but I feel its important to write about this because I know a lot of a LGBT people struggle so it would be nice if you all showed my fanfic some love and I promise it will start getting interesting soooon. Also what do you think about Jacob?

P.S. sorry about all the dialogue in the beginning just felt that it was nessasary. ILL TRY TO MAKE THESE LONGER NEXT TIME

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