Chapter 40

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Chelsey's P.o.v (Dedicated to my Welsey or Chilliam fans ;) )

"You can't leave!" Janette yelled at Jasmine. At this moment, I told William to go home because I needed sometime with Jasmine, which he silently gave while looking at me weirdly before leaving. I wish that he would stop looking at me like that because it causes something in my stomach to hurt.

"Yeah, why are you leaving earlier than you're supposed to?" I asked, while looking at the menu for Joshua's Restaurant, which just now opened up, but I heard that this place is expensive, so we are going to eat here and split the bill just for Jasmine.

"I'm leaving early because my mom's new job actually starts early," Jasmine whispered. She actually cried so much that she couldn't cry anymore, so she's just silently being depressed. Janette wiped her own tears and hid her face. I haven't seen Janette cry since Daycare when she accidentally smacked our babysitter and had to sit in the corner. 

"I know what'll cheer you all up!" I convinced, then noticed that I was only crying on the way here, but then suddenly stopped when we got here. "What?" Jasmine whispered, but Janette looked up. "Alright so you know how you girls wanted me to forget about Tom and stuff? Well, I did!" I cheered, but Janette slammed her head on the table and covered her head with her arms, while Jasmine just fiddled with her spoon. "Come on girls. This is what you always wanted!" I continued to cheer, but Jasmine said, "Actually, what Janette always wanted was someone to hold William down, and she thought that you were perfect, but that was a long time ago." Jasmine whispered while watching Janette pick her head up.

Janette frowned and yelled, "Okay, so that's not true! I said that she wasn't right for him! He doesn't deserve her! I just added that he needs someone to hold him down, not Chelsey!" Jasmine sighed and said, "Yeah..." This is so weird how their just talking about William and I and I'm not even saying anything or objecting.

"Well, anyways, I'm going to order the lasagna with the banana split...what do you girls want?" I asked, not leaving my eyes from the menu.

"Do it for me..." Jasmine whispered, while boring her eyes into mines. "What?" I asked confused of what she means. "When I leave, I want to know that it'll happen." Jasmine continued, but this time Janette smirked a little and said in a smooth tone, "I know what she means." They all looked at me, but I didn't dear look back. Wow this room is getting hotter and hotter! Gosh, we need a window opened or something!

"Chelsey, I want you to update me on you both, I ship you guys!" Jasmine yelled for the first time since we got here. "Oh geez..." I breathed, sighing. "No, no, this is going to be my going away present! I know you like him! I saw you two kissing on facebook! Come on, you cannot deny it! Janette showed me Janice's post!" Jasmine continued to yell. I looked at Janette who actually looked like she had something on her mind.

"Actually, it wouldn't be so bad if you two went out for a little, but if he breaks your heart like his brother broke mines, then I'm gonna break his face!" Janette warned, though still approving and still smiling. "That's one thing that I can't do for you Jaz!" I said crossing my arms. "I don't like William!" I continued.

"Then how do you explain the picture?" Jasmine asked with a smirk. Finally everyone's happy...I guess that I can continue this conversation instead of shut it down to keep it like that. "It was out of content, okay?" I argued, still crossing my arms and watching the hot waiter give us our orders. "Thank you." All of us said in unison, while watching the waiter as he finished giving us each our order and wink at us before walking away. "Looks like someone's getting a nice tip," Janette declared, while still looking at the waiter. 

"Janette stop cheating on your man!" Jasmine cried out. "I'm not! It's Chelsey who's cheating on her man!" Janette clarified making me frown and object, "I am still single! William is not my man!" Jasmine coughed loudly. "I mean it!" I whined feeling my cheeks get hot with embarrassment.

"Alright then, tell me why you guys kissed?" Jasmine said with a smirk. "We didn't!...Well, we did, but he kissed me! And I guess that I got lost in the moment and accidentally kissed...back..." I admitted making Jasmine and Janette ooh. "Ugh!" Not this again!

"That doesn't mean that I like him! That just means that he's a good kisser!" I declared making their smirks widen. "Come on girls!" I cried making Jasmine command, "Okay, then give me a few reasons why you two aren't meant for eachother!" I took a bite of my lasagna, thinking about a few things, but then suddenly Janette said, "Come on, give her a break, Jasmine. She can't deny the fact that she likes William." I frowned and swallowed. "Alright, you guys are getting me annoyed!" I admitted, feeling the need to leave.

"I bet William loved it just as much as you did." Janette said with a smirk, while taking a french fry from Jasmine. "Hey! You owe me a fry!" Jasmine cried out while creating a barrier around her food with her arms to block anyone else from taking something else. Janette shrugged and popped the french fry into her mouth.

"No he didn't..." I whispered, feeling my cheeks get hot at the thought of William liking the kiss or feeling something from it just like me. They both looked at me then eachother, alarmed. "I think that our baby girl is in denial." Janette addressed making me blush and stay silent, still thinking about William liking it or not. That probably explains why he didn't answer me when I asked him if I was the only one who felt anything from the kiss. 

"Ooh, someone's in love..." Jasmine mocked with a smirk. "I am definitely not in love with that doofus!" I declared causing them both at coo and say, "She developed a nickname for him already! How cute!" I sighed and said, "Alright, enough girls..."

"Why are you blushing? Is it because you like William?" Jasmine teased.

"No, I don't! I don't like him! I mean, sure the kiss was great and yes, I felt something from it, and these days I've been feeling some unexplainable feelings, but I don't like him like that!" Oh my gosh, they aren't supposed to know that I felt something from it or the feelings that happened to me days before! Now they're going to be on my back! They probably didn't hear it...they probably just listened to the first half, I convinced myself.

"Next time that you're trying to protest about liking someone, don't give examples to support the opposite opinion," Janette taught me. Oh crap.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us!" Jasmine declare while fist pumping the air. "But...but...but...but I can't! I'm not supposed to! It can't happen! I don't want to!" I cried out.

"Finally, you know it's love. That denial shit was getting annoying." Janette admitted while stealing another french fry from Jasmine's plate. No! I cannot! It's not true! No! It can't be true! I...can't...I'm not in love with him...or am...I?


I love all of the comments on the first few chapters that I'm seeing, but tell me when you all get to this part because it's kinda funny seeing you all shipping Christopher and her. Now you all know the truth. Muhahaha (evil laugh).

Well, you all know that I love yah, so show me some love back and vote this story if you loved it! <3 Just 4 U! --Lovely_girl_writer <333

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