Rapunzel Band-aids

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god." I exclaimed, sitting up quickly, holding my nose in pain.

Olivia kneeled quickly next to me." Shit, I did it again, didn't I?"

"Yes, but I'm alright."

"I hope you're sure." Olivia said with concern written all over her face as she stared at my nose. I felt very self-conscious with her examining me.

"How did you know it was me up here?" She simply pointed to the jacket.

"I know my jacket." Olivia said shrugging. "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"N-no, not at all." Why the heck did she want to sit hang out with me? She's got plenty for more exciting friends, I'm sure.

She settled next to me. When I say next to me, I mean, maybe a little bit too close for my comfort. I could smell the familiar smell that came with Olivia, mint and lilacs.

"People have been talking." Olivia started. "You know about my jacket. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble I just wanted to help." She said referring to the jacket.

I just sat there not really know what to say. I'm unusually speechless around her. I wanted to say the right things; I just didn't know what the right things were.

"Want a sucker?" I blurted. I could feel Olivia shaking next to me. She was laughing now.

"Sure." She said through giggles. She shifted to lay her side, smiling widely. "You always so simple and straight to the point. I love that."

I blinked at her unbelievingly. I sat up and dug in my pocket and give her one of my favorite flavors, cherry.

"Thanks. Do you normally eat a lot of candy?"

I just nodded. "I love it."

"I can see that. How do you manage to eat so much of the candy, but still maintain your figure?" Olivia said with her gaze traveling up my back, scanning my neck and face. I looked away quickly so she didn't see my constant blush.

I noticed Neal on the courtyard, waving and jumping up and down. I waved back and smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" Olivia spoke, drawing my attention away from Neal.


Olivia frowned a little. "Is Neal your boyfriend?"

I barked out a loud laugh before covering it with a cough. I didn't want it to seem like I was laughing at her.

"No, that would be gross on so many levels." I pause to think of what I wanted to say next. "You know how people say they don't like someone cause they're like a brother? Well, Neal is my brother. Maybe not biologically but siblings, nonetheless."

Olivia stared at me in awe. "That was the most I have ever heard you talk yet."

"Why did you ask, you know about me and Neal?"

"I don't know." Olivia said and just left it at that. I could hear the bells ringing in the distance in the school.

Olivia stood and dusted her clothes off. "I'll see you around." I waved, watching her as she walks steadily down the hill. She turns back and smiles again before going over to her friends sitting at a stone table.

I sighed inwardly. Olivia had so many friends, it just didn't add up why she wanted to be near me. I was the school antisocial and she was Ms. Popular. The complete opposite.

It will eventually pass. I least I hoped. I didn't want to get close to her- I mean like as friends not together. I don't like girls- just to be fooled in the end.

Neal came charging up the hill, when he got to me he was winded.

This what he sounded like: " So *Huff* what did *huff* Olivia want? *huff*"

"Nothing, she wanted to talk I guess. "I said I as got up front the ground. I began to walk towards the school with Neal following behind me.


I stopped walking; I turned to stare at him. "You know, when it comes to Olivia I never seem to have an answer."


The rest of the day went on without any more casualties, thankfully. I didn't have any chance meetings with Olivia either.

When I arrived home from school, I noticed Gwen's yellow 2012 Porsche in the driveway. I groaned, knowing I wasn't going to have the house to myself like I had originally thought.

I clambered out the car with my things, locking the door. As I walked into the house I could classical music coming from the kitchen travel into the foyer. Gwendolyn was a classical music connoisseur and a closet chef. So when the music was being played I knew Gwen was creating something delicious.

Her cooking expertise was one of her traits that I loved. I usually cooked for myself, but I happy when I able to eat Gwen's meals. I take my shoes and lay my backpack at the door.

I walked in the kitchen to see Gwen's head in the oven. Pots and pans were all jumbled on the stove doing different things. "Hey, Gwen."

"Hey Jo." She was the only one that called me Jo; it made me feel like her little sister when she called me that. Like we were closer than we really were.

"What are you cooking?" I said, hopping on the marble island that stood in the middle of the kitchen. The island had two bars stools and a sink. All the counter tops were made of marble and the cabinets were light brown. The house also contained a dining room, but my family as a whole rarely used it, since we never really ate at the same time. It was only used when guest are over or someone was feeling extra fancy.

"Nothing special, just garlic shrimp pasta with toasted French bread." Gwen said as she pulled out a tray of toasted bread out the oven.

"It's probably better than ramen noodles that's for sure."

"Nothing is better than ramen." I smirked. She was right ramen noodles were awesome.

Gwen set the tray on the counter before giving me her undivided attention. "How was your....." Gwen shrieked before finishing her sentence." Oh My God, what happened to your nose?" She exclaimed before gripping my chin to examine it. Just like someone did earlier, but it wasn't as light and warm.

I yanked away. "It's nothing."

Gwen looked almost furious. "It's clearly something since it's turned purple. Did some bitch at school do this? I swear I'll kill them." I smiled widely, I liked when Gwen was protective. It made me feel like Neal isn't the only who would defend me.

"I got hit with a locker door." I mumbled, knowing how stupid that sounded.

"Are you serious?" Gwen said with an incredulous and a small smile on her face. I just nodded, knowing where this was going. Gwen's burst of laughter caused my face to paint it a bright red. "That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. You really have to be more careful. Let me see if I can find something to reduce the swelling." Gwen said, walking over to the hall bathroom.

I sat and waited, still on the counter for her to come back. When she did, she held a wet folded paper towel and two Band-Aids. "I couldn't find a cold compress small enough for your nose so I improvised. Which Band-Aid do you want Toy Story or Rapunzel?"

"Definitely Rapunzel."

"Rapunzel it is." Gwen placed the paper towel over my nose, then the band-aid on top to make it stick. "Now I'm going to finish cooking, you stay out of trouble." Gwen went back to the stove to continue her work, humming the classical song that was playing now.f

I hopped off the counter, I was going to leave, but I had to take a couple pictures of Gwen cooking first. I snapped the ones I wanted before leaving.

Just as I reached the stairs to head to my room, the doorbell rang. I slid (my socks made it slippery) on the hardwood floor over to the door. I threw it open without even looking through the peephole. My mouth fell open as I stared at Olivia standing on my porch.

There I was with my mouth wide open and a Rapunzel Band-Aid taped to my nose.

Kissing Olivia Winchester (Girlxgirl)(SAMPLE) (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now