Chapter Twelve

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I mentally slam my head onto the table as Draco skids into the Great Hall. He's got everyone looking at him, and with the rumors swirling, it isn't too hard to figure out what they'll think.


So it's Marcus Flint who'll start tonight. I shake my head and mentally slide him to the top of my growing hit list. I could barely stand to be around anyone. Except maybe Malfoy, which was odd considering our history.

"Why are you running, Draco? Dashing away from the crime scene?"

Ron isn't at dinner. Ron isn't at dinner. My heart races. He could be off doing god knows what right now, and Draco looks guilty.

Draco shrugs and sits down near me, projecting his voice so people can hear while he reaches for a roll. "I was hungry."

His voice was shaky, out of breath. Somehow I didn't believe he'd ran that fast just to get something to eat.

"That isn't much of a defense!" I hiss at him.

"Why were you running, Draco? Chasing a Snorkack?" Luna inquires.

Draco rolls his eyes. "No, I was thinking of starting a track team here." He says sarcastically. "I was avoiding your lovely ex, Hermione. I can't imagine why you two broke up,"

I elbow him sharply in the ribs. "Be serious! Now what did Ronald do?"

Draco tries to be casual, but I can tell he's a bit unsettled. "Chased me through abandoned corridors like an insane person--oh wait, he is---with one hand behind his back."

I hadn't told Zabini or Luna what was going on yet, but they make their own conclusions, which judging by their faces, are undoubtedly correct.

"So Ron---" Luna starts slowly.

"Yes." I reply flatly, cutting her off. I don't want to hear her say it. Ron killed Pansy. Ron killed. Ron.

"We need to protect Draco, then, if he's after you." Zabini spoke for the first time. "We need to tell Professor McGonagall."

"I did." I say sharply, my anger at her coming out in my voice. "She didn't think there was enough evidence."

"Then we need to do it."

"You can't, you're not in all my classes." Draco protests. "And you can't get into our common room, but then neither can he."

"I wouldn't put it past him, not anymore." I don't feel like eating much anymore, to be honest, but I finish my chicken anyway. I can't afford to be weak and hungry right now.

"I can take care of myself." Draco insists, but he swallows nervously. I think back to the charm I'd found in a book once, a charm I'd stupidly tried. It revealed dreams, and I accidentally saw one of Harry's. A memory, of Draco Malfoy having a panic attack in the bathroom.

"I was good enough for Voldemort once." He finishes bitterly.

He doesn't look like he can take care of himself.

"We can ask Bella to haunt you, invisibly." I find myself saying quickly. "She can put her hand through Ron's head or something and scream...I know he always flinches with the ghost sensation."

Just then, Ron bangs into the Great Hall. Nobody bothers to look up and whisper. Ron is a saint. He's Harry Potter's best friend. What harm could he be?

He waits until everyone is looking at their plates, and then flips Draco off behind his back so the teachers don't see. I roll my eyes. Arse.

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