Chapter Seven

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Finding out that Luna was acquainted with Bellatrix's ghost was a shock. The look on her face when the woman finally revealed herself to the eccentric Ravenclaw was hilarious. The advice she had tried to give was proof of her morbid and murderous past that I'm still not sure she's entirely over. None of it compares to the metaphorical bomb about to blow when we meet Malfoy at the bottom of the stairs.

With all of the gossip and everyone's attitudes, even us passing one another in the hallway is big news. Now, it appears that speech is inevitable, and goodness knows what havoc that will cause. Luna, thank God, is being her usual friendly self.

"Hello, Draco." she says with her slightly dreamy voice. "Fancy meeting you here."

He doesn't reply, in fact I'm not entirely sure he knows how to at this point.

She looks at him with sympathy. "Nargle got you?"

"Huh?" he sputters out finally.

"Definitely a Nargle. How've you been?"

"Oh, I don't know, how do you think I've been?" Malfoy spits sarcastically. "The entire school hates my guts because somebody started a rumor and I can't even go to the loo without being glared at. Swell, Luna, I'm doing swell. How about you?" his voice is laced with venom but she doesn't seem to mind.

"I'm sorry, Draco. I find people can be very stupid sometimes. But, if it makes you feel better--"

"It doesn't." he cuts her off and glares at me. "What did you think you were going to gain from lying about me, you filthy mudblood?"

I am torn between whipping out my wand and giving him an equally embarrassing tongue lashing, but Zabini beats me to it.

"Draco!" he all but shouts. "She didn't start anything and you bloody well know it! Now apologise."

I stand on the bottom step, arms crossed, waiting.

"I have no need to apologise, Zabini, let's go."

"Yes you do! You're being a bloody pain in the arse, Draco, come on! Even you don't bother with 'mudblood' anymore, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Malfoy looks seconds from punching Zabini's face. I would love to whip my wand out and send a jinx or two at both of the idiots, but then, with my luck, a teacher would pop up and then I really would have reason to be gossiped about. I've no desire for detention.

Luna takes charge again and walks between them. "That wasn't very nice of you, Draco. You ought to apologise."

"Yes, and mean it, for once in your life!" Zabini yells out. I always did like him.

We've gathered quite a crowd of onlookers, so when Ron appears, dragging Harry, they both look a bit disheveled from pushing through.

"Don't look at him like that, Hermione, it's disgusting!" Ron gags. "Didn't he call you 'honey' in the hallway last week? He's probably gay anyway!"

Now I'm truly furious. Detention is no longer an issue. "Ronald Weasley!" I shout, storming down off of the stairs and right up into his face. "You shut your mouth right now! You have no business whatsoever publicly questioning his orientation with the sole purpose of humiliating us both, do not deny it. You should be ashamed of yourself. And why bother calling it out like that, anyway? If he was, it wouldn't matter! I cannot believe you. I cannot believe me. If it wasn't already clear, I am quite done with you, Ronald!"

I really, really, really, want to punch him. Or hex him. Or both. However, the yelling was justified and physical violence is unnecessary. I can't completely rework my personality. I'm still know-it-all Hermione and yes, detention would be too much for me. If I'm honest.

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