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(The photo has nothing to do with this chapter it's just an awesome piece of fan art as Jacks always said he wanted to be a mortal combat character, for some reason it says it's a video, it is not)

Leon's P.O.V

An intimidating security guard grabbed my hand behind my back and shoved me around.

"Let me go!" I yelled trying to break free.

"Your going nowhere buster" The security guard said shoving me into another security guard, it was like playing catch but with me as the ball. They called the police and they shoved me into the car explaining what had happened,  I can't believe my own daughter rejected me! She should love me, not that other bloke she calls "dad".

Georgia's P.O.V

I sink down to the floor holding my bandaged covered head, my blood has probably been absorbed and is probably visible.

"You better lie down" said Sean, it was strange to have a huge Irish youtuber looking out for me, I slightly nodded but the pain was to much, so I put my thumbs up instead.

Roman helped me up as my vision was getting a little blurry, when we got to the hotel room I led down on my bed and fell asleep for about 20 minuets.

Jacks P.O.V

After making sure Georgia got back safely, I went to meet Mark (you might know him a Markiplier).

"Hey mark!" I yelled as he was just signing an autograph, he wasn't at his meet and greet but the security hadn't come to escort us yet.

"Oh hey Jack!" He yelled in his louder jokerish voice, that's all he managed to say before a fan rudely interrupted by taking a picture with him, mark still managed to flash a smile before it was taken.

"It's Jacksepticye!"shouted a teenage boy with my shirt on.

"Hi!" I said, greeting him.

"I'm your biggest fan!" He said, 'a lot of other people would argue about that' I though smiling.

"Thanks" I answered as he took out his phone.

"Can I take a picture?" he asked.

"Sure" I said getting beside him and smiling, he was shorter then me so I had to lean over a little, I also signed his shirt and things.

"Stand back" said a security guard as he escorted us away to my hotel room, we bought some equipment so this is the first year I actually get to record while at vidcon.

"How's it going Jack?" Mark said settling down on the sofa.

"I'm good you?" I answered sitting opposite.

"I'm ok" he said. "So what should we record? I brought my stuff from my hotel room it's in this bag" he said lifting up the bag and getting out headphones and a mic.

"Awesome, I have no idea why but they actually put in top off the range computers, it's sick, but I don't know why!" I laughed.

"What the heck, they installed three!?" He realised looking over to where I was going to record.

"I know we better play some sweet ass games!" I yelled.

"Hell yeah!" Cheered mark.

"What should we play?" I asked.

"Let's get on Skype and play gmod" said mark in a persuasive way.

"Okay" I said simply.


"We are also with Bob and Wade" I said.

I was a seeker so I morphed into a little can and hid behind the vending machine, that was until Mark came along, I ran a jumped everywhere trying to get up the stairs.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!" I yelled in a screechy voice.

"BOOOOOOOOM," yelled Mark blowing me to smithereens.

"AHHHH NOOOOOOOOO" I yelled a little disappointed.

"Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is jacksepticeye" said Mark making fun of my accent.

"Fall down a hole and stay there!" I said shooting him.

"Jack your on my team!" He complained.

"You killed me!" I said blowing him up.
Georgia's P.O.V

I woke up slowly lifting my head, it looked like no one was in so I got that little box out my bag as my eyes slowly readjusted to the light.

"I wonder what my life would be like if my parents never gave me up" I said. "If Roman never found us, if I never had Chilli as my best friend, if i never had two awesome little brothers, and if Brit was never my mom" I said looking down at the bracelet with the mom and dad holding their little girls hand. "That's not me" I said looking closer to the entails engraved into the back of the bracelet, it said "To ML from LW" these initials played with my mind a little, it caused my head to hurt, that's when I realised I was all bandaged up. I realised the last initial must be Leon's initials, but the second one I didn't know at all.

"I hate him so much, I wish I never got this stupid box and his stupid letter, I wish I never found out how much of a weirdo he is" I said getting a little mad. I wanted to forget him but the words 'I'll be back, I'll be back, I'll be back" repeated over and over in my head.

My phone buzzed making me forget about the words, it was Joey, I forgot I had his number.

'Hey gurl, how's your head?'

'It's ok, are you ok?'

'Yeah I'm fine, wanna get a coffee with me Jack and Mark?'

'Who's Mark?'


'The Markiplier!?'


'Oh my gosh that's so cool! Come in ten minuets okay?'


I stand up and get on a hoodie, it was a black baggy one that obviously said 'smile more'. I walked into the living room to get to the door and Brit was sat there smiling, awkward!

"I suppose you heard all of that didn't you?" I said.

"Yeah" she said. "It was really sweet" she said standing up, I was al,pet her highs just a little smaller, she hugged me real tight.

"I'm going to get a coffee, wanna come?" I asked.

"Sorry I can't, Kane's asleep he is so tired, it's only 2 in the afternoon" she said.

"Yeah, okay that's fine" I said opening the door. "Bye" I waved as she waved back.

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