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~~Many hours later~~

(Steves pov)

Oh my... I wished I had died. I opened my eyes and felt a searing pain on my... All over my body. I clenched my teeth, holding in a scream as pain shot through my body. I noticed I was shirtless and laying on an iron table that was tilting my head up slightly. My wrists were cuffed to it and so were my ankles. My pants and shoes were still wet. I closed my eyes as I heard footsteps.

"Is he dead?" Stars voice asked.

"No. He just passed out form the lack of oxygen." Nights voice said simply. "I made sure of that. He should be grateful that I put him in the water. The burns pain might've killed him. Water was the only cure. Now let's see..." I heard a click, and snap, and a small laugh. "Take this to Herobrine." I heard teleportation.

I heard footsteps fade. I opened my eyes and got a beter look at my suroundings. The room was a dark grey. A light was above me. There was a table with various knives, swords, staffs, amd other weapons. I let out a long breath. This was gonna be a while.

(Herobrines pov) (finaleh!)

I sighed and ran my fingers theough my hair. I was on my throne, thinking of where Steve migh've ben. The girl, Star, teleported a few feet away from me. I stood up and growled at her. She put her hands up and showed me a small photo.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I growled.

"Not much." She said. "Just a little something from you. In return, you get Steve back."

"Where is he?" I asked. "And what is it you want from me?"

"I want you to remember what you did to me and my brother and admit it was wrong." She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"I... Don't remember what I did." I admited. "What did I do?"

"You killed me and my brother. We are only able to take a physical form because Notch let us." She hissed. I flinched at the first sentence, but angry at the second. I killed thousands, yet never kept track of who. I felt a bit guilty now.

"I'm sorry, but I honestly don't remember." I said. "I just kill whoever I fell like killing. I'm sorry, but I don't remember."

"Fine." She said and glared at me. "We'll just kill him like you did to us. Slowly." She pulled out the pendand and I grabed her arm as soon as she teleported so I was teleported with her. I opened my eyes to a dark grey floor. I was on my hands and kneese.

"You took him with you!?" Asked a male voice.

"No. He grabed my arm when I teleported. He just came with me." Stars voice said. I stood up and looked around. Star and a boy were in the nidle of a room. Steve was on an iron table and was cuffed down. He had an open gash on his torso that streached from his left shoulder to his right hip. He weakly turned his head to me and smiled slightly.

"Oh, good." The guy said sarcasticaly and turned to Steve. "He's awake."

"But what do we do about him?" Star said pointing at me. I glared at them both.

"Keep him buisy." The guy said simply and drew a knife. He walked towards Steve. Star threw a potion at me,mand I dodged it. I teleported over to Steve and knocked the guy to the ground. He landed with a thud and droped his knife. I caught a potion that Star threw at me and threw it to the guy. He fell asleep. She threw another and I did the same thing to her.

"Hero... Brine..." Steve said slowly.

"Yes?" I asked, searching the two for keys.

"I d-don't feel good." He let out a pained moan and, when I looked at him, he was barley breathing. I finlay found keys in the guys pocket and unlocked Steves cuffs. He could barley move.

"What hapened?" I asked and picked him up bridal style. I teleported to my room and laid him on my bed.

"Th-they hurt me... And..." He inhaled and let out a shaky breath.

"It's okay." I told him. "Don't move. I'll be right back." He nodded and I left the room looking for some medical suplise.

When I returned, he was still on the bed and his eyes were closed. His breathing was slow and shallow. I wraped some bandages around him. He didn't wake up. I realised how tired I was and laid down next to him. He didn't move much. I laid on my back and closed my eyes

Herobrine X SteveWhere stories live. Discover now