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(Steves pov)

I felt someone put chains around my wrists and my feet dangling from the ground. Something cold was put around my neck, too. I opened my eyes slightly to see the girl from before. There was a guy next to her that looked almost exactly the same except his collors were swaped and he only wore his pants and boots and an enderpearl-like necklace. His eyes were still red, though, and he had daggers in small shieths around his waist on his belt.

"When will he wake?" Asked the guy.

"I don't know. The type of poison I used on him should've worn off by now." The girl replied. I decided to toy with them and keep my eyes narrowed enough so they couldn't tell. The guy came closer to me.

"What kind of poison did you use?" He asked.

"Uh. A splash potion of harming so he fainted, a sleep potion so he staid asleep, and a little something extra so he didn't die." She said taping her chin. "Oh! And I teleported him here so HE wouldn't find us. The shock must be what's keeping him asleep."

"You used your pendant, right? If so, he shouldn't have had any shock." The guy said, staring at my face. He drew a knife and almost cut my skin. I thought quickly and let out a small groan. I decided to play dumb.

"Urrgh. Where am I?" I asked, lifting my head a bit and opened my eyes halfway, then fully. "Who are you? What hapened?"

"Ugh. For a teen, you sure ask alot of questions." The guy said. He twirled his knife in one hand and put it back in its tiny sheath. "I wish I could've drawn blood." He shruged and walked to the girls side.

"No you don't, Night." The girl said. "What to do with him?" She taped her chin again, a small, slightly insane, smile started to grow.

"Where am I?" I asked again. 'Night' groaned loudly.

"You're in our houses basment." He said. "Herobrine is going to come in a few days. Probably to rescue you, or something like that. In the meantime..." He trailed off and walked over to the right side of the room. He walked up to buttons on the walls with signs over them. I could only read a few.





And a few I couldn't read. Night walked up to the button with the poison label. The girl followed. He pressed the button and five levers apeared. They were all labled 1 through 5.

"Whick one do you think, Star?" Asked Night. Star ran up to the third one.

"We don't want him to die. We don't want him to faint, we don't want him to just be weakened and able to shrug it off. The third one." She said. Night nodded and Star pulled the lever. A little seringe poped out of a despencer and on to a table. The liquid that was inside was deep, dark, red. Star walked over to the seringe and then to me, holding the seringe in her right hand.

I started to struggle against the chains, but to no avail. Night walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to stop. I kicked his gut and he took a step back. I strugled again. Big mistake. Star jabed the seringe into my shoulder and I cried out in pain. I stoped strugling and my whole body felt like it was on fire. My whole body tensed and I shut my eyes. The pain overwhelmed me. I clenched my teeth to hold back another scream as I felt the poison take full efect.

A few minutes later, the pain died down. But not enough that it was gone. Night frowned when he saw the pain die. He  walked over to ont of the buttons that I couldn't read and presed it. He flicked the fourth lever and I felt chains wrap around my ankles. I heard pistons move and a hole in the ground opened up to reveal lava. I realised they would kill me if I didn't die from all this. The wall shifted so I was inches over the lava and I was hanging horizontily over the lava.

Sweat started beading down my head and neck and the rest of my body. I didn't look away from the hot liquid. I could barley breath from the humidity over it. I let out a small cry as I almost ran out of oxygen. I felt the chains jerk up and I was vertical again. The floor closed and I took in deep breaths. Star walked up to me and our faces were inches apart.

"You wanna die, yet?" She asked with an insane smile. I frowned at her and narrowed my eyes. She frowned, too. "No? Oh. Okay." She said and went over to the buttons again.

This went on for some time. Night would make a gash on me whenever I didn't reply or said 'no' to the question. It kept geting worse and worse until...

"This is geting boring, Night." Star whined. She went over to another button. One of the others I couldn't read. "I wanna kill him, now." She reached for the button, but Night stoped her. "Aww." She whined and chose another one. This one I could read. Well. Not realy, but I could make out a few leters.


I couldn't make out the rest.

"Hold him down." Night said as he chose a lever. Star undid my cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I droped to the ground limp. I strugled to get up, but with Star basicaly siting on me and the pain they caused me, I couldn't. I looked up to see and saw Night holding a metal rod in a blue fire. I realised what he was going to do. I felt Star geting off me. I couldn't get up, though. Tears started to well up. I tensed my body, preparing for the burn.

I felt my shirt be pulled off to expose my back. After that, all anyone could hear were screams.

When Night brought the pole away from my back, he placed it on the table and pushed a button. The floor under me opened and I fell into some water. I was unabe to take a breath and I released a breath by accedent. I plunged to the darkness.

I didn't move this time. Noone came after me. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate...

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