Part 1

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          Rin walked into his room at Samezuka. He set down his bottle of water and black doufelbag on the bottom bunk, on which he slept. He slightly sighed brushed his bangs back and out of his face. Today he was going to get a new roommate, stressing the fact that the person might be annoying. He was interrupted in thought when a knock came from the door to his left. Rin hesitantly walked towards the door and opened it. Standing there was a younger boy, only a year or two less than Rin himself. The boy had a smaller stature, grey and shiny hair with messily cut bangs, and blue eyes. "Hi... I'm Nitori. I um...I'm your new roommate." The boy spoke, being quite nervous in the presence of Rin's piercing crimson eyes. "Oh... okay." Rin had a light pink tint across his face, for he had discovered a new obsession and the boy, Nitori, was a perfect description of it. Rin stepped aside and observed Nitori as he walked into the room they would now be sharing with each other. He wore black devil horn hair clips, loose pink overall shorts with black garters, connecting to the knee highs he was wearing, a pale yellow with white ruffles. Also, under the overalls he wore a pastel green t-shirt with the school's swim team logo on the front. "You're on the swim team?" Rin asked, still blushing. Nitori began to climb up to the top bunk and unload his things. "Yeah,... I tried out and made it but, I am not very good just yet. I am kinda a beginner.

          Rin looked away and proceeded to ask questions. "So ... you have a girlfriend?" Nitori blushed a little and then laughed it off. He kindly responded, "No actually. I kinda swing the other way." Nitori looked the other way, expecting to be rejected. Rin mentally died. He too liked guys. "Okay. Me too." He said stretching a little. "Alright. I was scared you would find me weird. Well, I am going to go out for a little while. See ya' later." Nitori smiled and walked out of the door. Rin immediately picked up his 

R: Hey Makoto

M: Hey

R: I got a new roommate and he is super cute and he likes guys I think I might have a chance.

M: Cool What is his name?

R: Nitori


R: what

M: ... That's Haru's ex...

{Rin x Nitori} Knee Highs and Loli LoveWhere stories live. Discover now