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Halloween is coming up!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it basically kicks off the holiday season.

Pumpkin flavored everything.

I'm talking about those little pumpkin candies that I love so much. I can eat three whole containers by myself.

Halloween is important to me well because I can do the Thriller dance whenever I feel like it. And watch the scary movies and cuddle up against anyone who will let me cuddle with them.

I love to dress up for Halloween too. Last year I changed three times just for my enjoyment.

I'm going as Rick Grimes this year. Well Sassy Rick Grimes.

When did Rick Grimes become a girl and get black you may ask?

Well when I bought the costume!!!

I know what you guys are thinking...this bitch buying costumes and it's September but I like to be prepared.

I think I'm gonna change into something else this year too. What I don't know yet.

I'll have to go to Spirit Halloween when it opens (I got my Daryl mug from there).

I want to go as Pocahottie too. I mean who wouldnt want to be Pocahontas and a hottie?

Halloween means fall and that means the leaves fall! I get to jump into different piles of different colored leaves!

And the mosquitoes die and go back to hell where they belong. You wouldn't believe how many times those bastards have got me this summer.

Omn (oh my Norman) I just remembered tomorrow is 9/11. God bless those poor souls.

I think I might go as a naughty nun tho just for the fun...

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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