Do we....WHAT!?

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From: randombabycgirl
She asked: Do you strip?
Leo: I'm guessing this is more of a question for the lady's of the seven.
Hazel:N-no! None of us strip! Stop asking such inappropriate questions!
Annabeth: ....I'd never do that....
Percy: hesitated.
Annabeth: Percy! Shut up!
Percy: Just teasing!
Piper: Of course not. I'd never show my body off like that! Not to anyone I didn't know really well.
Will: Wow, I couldn't help but notice the gasps from all the way over here.
Percy: Hey! You're not apart of the seven!
Will: Stop always getting so jealous Percy.
Percy: Of what?
Will: Of Nico and I. Must I remind you he said he wasn't your type and now his with me. His into guys like me not you.
Percy: You can shut up now before I suffocate you with water.
Will: Fine, whatever.
Hazel: You better take good care of Nico Will! Even though I ship Percico way more.
Percy: Ha! I bet more people ship Percico then solangelo!
Will: Ugh! Screw you Percy. *walks away*
Hazel: Well there you have it. Most of us don't strip.
Annabeth: Most of us?
Hazel: Ask questions and vote! Bye!

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