Favorite subjects

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From: randombabycgirl
She asked: To everyone: what's your favorite subject in school.
Hazel: It's you again! Wow, are you seriously the only one that asks questions in my books. It's literature.
Percy: I don't have a favorite, I don't like school, it's boring. But if I had to choose I guess it would be...social studies or history. Its by far the easiest.
Jason: I'm with Percy, S.S is the best.
Piper: Wow they actually agreed on something! My favorite is probably science.
Annabeth: Math or all subjects but probably math.
Nico: I like math too.
Percy: Wow, who knew Nico and Annabeth liked the same things!
Leo:Hmmm, if there was a subject just for mechanics and machinery then that would be my fave. But I guess my favorite subject is...science.
Jason: Dude, you suck at science. Last time you put two chemicals together you made fire, you almost burned the whole classroom down.
Leo: Maybe that's because I can make fire.
Jason: That's just an excuse dude, we all know you suck at science.
Frank: I think I like science too, but I'm pretty sure I'm better at it then Leo.
Leo: Hey! I'm a little okay at it.
Frank: No, your a lot not okay at it.
Percy: So we all agree that Leo is bad at science?
Everyone except Leo: Yep.
Hazel: Wait...Nico you didn't have to answer, your not apart of the seven.
Nico: Well I don't care I still wanted to answer.
Hazel: Well that answers your question. Please ask more questions! Bye!

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