Short Story:Zombie Apocalyse Part 1.

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I slam the door closed, and quickly run up the stairs to my room. 'I am so happy that I chose the room with a locking door.' I think as I grab a handgun and put some boxes of ammo In my book bag, along with some bottles of water from my mini-fridge. I look out a window, but soon regret it, as a zombie sees me and starts looking for a way up. 'How did I get into this? How did this zombie apocalypse even start?'
Earlier that week...

Scientists were looking for a way to allow the dead to live again. I really don't know why. Maybe it's because they all just binge-watched a ton of ghost movies. Maybe it's because they're sentimental and want to say 'hi' to grandma. Maybe it's because they're stupid and didn't think of any consequences. (I personally think it's the last one,) Doing this could have caused a revolution because they wouldn't have equal rights. It eventually would lead to us having no more space on Earth for everybody, what with how quickly people repopulate.

But no, it just had to lead to a stinking zombie apocalypse! It literally smells horrible out there. All while scientists were doing tests a whole block away (horrible place to live, I know, but it's easier for my dad to get to work,) I was doing homework and listening to dubstep! I could have been able to stop this if someone told me! My dad, though, just had to make it a 'pleasant' surprise for me. He's supposed to tell me everything they do over there, so I can point out the flaws and and possible consequences, and then tell him if they should do it.

~To Be Continued~

A/N Sorry about it being two parts, but I would like to do some research before I continue. Part two should come out soon!

Me against the World.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin