Why Exfoliating Is V Impo//diy

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bonjour bitch, I've been dead for a while I'm so sorry.

hope you enjoy this one <3


I feel it's important because it removes all that nasty dead skin on you.
these recipes remove that, making you v soft

Here are a few ways to do so

okay so you'll need -

Brown sugar/any sugar
vanilla extract (opt.)
and your choice of oil (I'm going with coconut)


oKay so you wanna get about
7 tbs of sugar (or as much as you need for your body)
2 tbs of vanilla (like I said opt but this is what I do)
and 4 tbs of oil of your choice

mix it together
if you want yours more liquidy obviously add more oil
for more rough which helps more to remove skin add more sugar (if you have very sensitive skin use the one I said to use.)

(this is what I use as a lip scrub and boy my lips feel like they have been blessed by jesUs)

Next is a lip scrub.


what you'll need is :

- Vaseline
- Salt (sugar if you don't like it rough)
- Little jar for scrub (opt)

This is a pretty easy one all you need is to put a spoon of Vaseline in the jar and a spoon of any salt.

or if you don't have a jar just apply Vaseline onto your lips and dip your finger into salt nd scrub away with either your finger or a toothbrush


that's all for today <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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