Chapter 10 Banana Bus

Start from the beginning

Running toward the nearest transportation point, I wait for the bus appears. After some time, a yellow bus came. Looking it looks like a banana. I chuckle at this. Alright, I'm calling it the banana bus. The banana bus stop and open its doors I step it, paid for the transit fee and sit in the back. The bus was filling some passengers waiting to go to their daily whatever they do in the morning. Not big fan of public transit yet there the banana bus amuse me.

Banana bus~

We can go wherever we can~

Banana bus~

I hum the catchy tone in my head. Something to keep my thoughts busy. Hunger pain is making me delirious and carving food. Foood! I need it. C'mon banana driver! Drive faster. Man, I wish at least Teddy was here. I could squeeze it soft paws or cheeks and we could complain how slow this bus is. God, it's so boring waiting for the ride to end. At least, the scenery was a bit amusing to look at. I lean my head against the smudged window watching it go by. The banana bus stops few times before it made it stop at the market.

At the market, I grab some drinks, snacks, quick meals, and cookies that would last maybe a few days or so. Hey, she took the car so I can't carry any more than a couple bags. It's payback for taking the damn car when she force me/know I'm going to buy some foods. After paying and exiting the store, I walk back to the bus stop. Letting out a hum of banana bus song I wait until another banana bus arrives then sit in the empty back. Setting my bags on the chair beside me, I dug out some chips and start mumbling as the scenery go by. I let my mind wander as the banana bus continues to move.

Someone tap my shoulder but the dirty glass was hard to see reflection inside the bus. I let out a silent growl.

"Excuse me is this seat taken?" The person question. I could feel the heat of that person's hand off my shoulder.

Can't you see that I want to be alone? I let out a sigh and look at the person and froze.

What the hell?! How did he? Wasn't he in the game before I left?

Evan sheepish smile "Everywhere is taking." What? I look over his shoulder to see it was true.

Looking back at him, the urge was too strong. I let my fist fly impact his face. My smile widens as blood spil-

What was I doing? Mind wanders again.


Wait...Did I miss my stop? Turn my head to read the nearest sign and let out another sigh. I'm not that far from my home another block or two before my stop.

He took my expression as something else, "I rather sit with someone I know than a stranger." He pulls a pleading look. "Please?" But you don't know me in the real world. I'm just your student here.

Although I rather not look much of ass with people are staring as I would do it in-game. Ok, Jonathan. Stay frosty. Do it.

"...Fine." I emotionless answer, and take my bags off the extra chair.

"Thank you." He says in relief and sits down next to me holding a bag that smell of food, and that damn smile. Fucker! That's it. He's stalking me. I call it! I can't escape in either world.

(Bold is Jonathan's thought respond toward Evan)

"It's was quite strange seeing you here." Evan smile. What? Didn't expect me here bastard?

"Not talking. I see." He digs into his bag and pulls out a bagel sandwich. The captivating smell was so good. Way better than chips. Evan notices this too. He waves the bagel around and I couldn't help but follow it. Food!

"Want it?" I WILL snap your arm if you keep tempting me. I refuse to be tempted by a b-delicious looking bagel sandwich with...Is that Philly?

"No." I refuse and turn my head to the glass. I'm strong, but that... sandwich. Stay strong. Evan, you will pay for this.

"Got you to talk," He smirks. I hate you. I truly do.

"I feel like we were on the wrong foot." No shit, Sherlock.

"I'm Evan and you're Jonathan." I nod and glare at him.

"Silent again o silent one." Fuck you.

"So, you were humming a song?" he mimics the banana song with a few mistakes. "It's catchy."

This song demand to be perfect so I hum the song for him. He repeats it perfectly and smiles when he got it right.

"What's it called?"

"Banana bus." I gave out a small smile then realize something as we share a smile.

We are bonding through humming.

I'm done. I'm walking the rest of the way. I squeeze him and run to the front of the banana bus.

"I passed my stop."

The banana driver was kindly enough to stop at the light for me. I pay him a bit extra for his problem then book it.


I ran some distance away. I could kiss the ground if it wasn't so dirty. Away from him till I'm in-game or school...Oh well. Now I have to walk about at least block away.


It seem the chapter post. Wattpad says an error and turn it into a draft yet it say publish in work and didn't update my page. So I wasn't sure if it did or not.

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