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Anyways..... LOVE YOU GUYS

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d a n i e l

Today was the show in New York!! I was so pumped because I love playing for my fans and I can't wait until the meet and greet so that I could meet a bunch of them!!

*Skip to the end of the show*

It was so fun playing.

I played my three songs (A/N: please remember that I started this story in September of 2015 so "We Got Us" hadn't come out yet) and I also did a few covers. My favorite was "This Could Be Us But You Playin'." (A/N: sorry, I think that's the name of the song, not quite sure).

I loved meeting all of them, too. Pretty much all of my fans wanted to pose like a couple, and I think it's kinda cute. A lot of them are, anyways (😉).

It was so fun, but when it ended and I was so sad because I wish it could last longer...

I started walking outside to leave when someone bumped into me.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I was on my phone and I-" I cut her off.

"No, no. It's fine. I wasn't paying attention either. I have an addiction to my phone too, don't worry about it." I said to her, in a mocking tone.

"I'm NOT addicted to my phone. I was just looking for a map to get around this place." She said, kind of annoyed. While she was still searching for a map I lifted her chin up with my hand. She looked like she had seen me before and then she and this look of disgust mixed with surprise... I think.

"Are you Daniel Skye?" I just smiled. "Well? Are you?" I was kind of just staring off into space, but the thing was that I was still looking at her.

"Hello?" I finally came back to reality.

"Oh, uh, yeah." She looked REALLY scared to be seen with me.

"Great." She sounded upset, but I think she meant to do that.

"What? Do you not like me or something?" I asked, while I pretended to be hurt inside.

"Actually that is completely and 100% correct."

"Oh." I actually took that to offense. I tried hiding it but I think she could still see the hurt on my face as she looked at me.

"Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you but my friend dragged me here."

"Sure," I said with a smirk on my face, "I don't see her around..." I was just being cocky now, but I think she kinda liked it.

"That's because she was INSIDE watching YOUR show."

"Okay, sure, whatever you say." She just rolled her eyes at me, but then some of the fans saw me and started running towards us while screaming.

"Okay, well, bye now! I see my friend and her mom." She said, kind of panicked since all of those girls were practically sprinting.

"Yeah, bye." I smirked again when I said that.

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At the hotel (still Daniel's POV)

I'm still thinking about that girl...

I wonder what she's doing right now... STOP DANIEL YOU NEED TO FOCUS

Right now I was supposed to be working on my new song. I think I'm gonna call it "We Got Us" because I wanted to dedicate a song to my fans since they are literally the best.

I couldn't get her out of my mind, and I didn't even know her name...

I wish I could see her again, but that's highly unlikely.

I started to get hungry, and so did Aton, so we decided to go to the hotel kitchen.

There weren't a lot of people except for a few families and a couple. They looked so happy. I wish I had that with someone...

I saw a mom with two girls, and one of them looked familiar, even though I only saw the back of her head.

Hmmm, I wonder who she is.

Just as I said that to myself, she started walking over... OH NO.

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So did you guys like it?

I decided to do Daniel's POV bc I felt like it...


Thank you guys for sticking with me since it's been almost 5 months since I updated!!!

I know this one was kinda short but I only have two more midterms so hopefully I'll be able to update more after that!!!!

Love you and don't be ashamed of what you do/love!!!

-kylizzle👸🏼 (ik that's Kylie's thing but I like it bc my name is super close to it so I'm gonna use that now)

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