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Thanks guys for reading this far and I hope you like this chapter and the future ones!! I'll probably be updating again this week so be ready!!!!

Love you!

Have fun!

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Three Weeks Later

Well, I was right about the past three weeks.

The only thing I heard was "Daniel Skye this,"  and "Daniel Skye that." At times I wanted to strangle Adela, but then I'd probably get sent to jail, so that wasn't a choice.

Today was the day that we go to his show. I'M SO TIRED OF HIM ALREADY.

It was 8:00 am, and Adela wanted to leave by 9 so that we could get good spots. I didn't feel like dressing up too much because I didn't really care about this at all. I just picked out a pair of leggings and put on my red and navy blue plaid flannel. I didn't do any makeup either because I was really tired right now.

Adela ended up coming 15 minutes later because she wanted to make sure I was "ready," which meant that I wasn't dressed like a hobo.

She barged into my room while I was on my phone checking twitter. I follow so many accounts that I always have a bunch of retweets of crap that doesn't concern me, so I was bored anyways.

"WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE THAT?!?" She yelled in my face.

"BECAUSE I'M TIRED!" I screamed back at her.

"TOO BAD. I'm getting you dressed in something more appropriate." Uh oh. That means Daniel Skye merchandise.

She gave me a shirt, that had his name on it; a sweatshirt, that had his name on it; and painted his name on my nails, which fit perfectly without any blank nails.

By the time everything was done, her mom was waiting outside with their car and we both got in the back and for most of the ride Adela had her music blasting, it was Daniel Skye on repeat.

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In New York

We finally made it to the city and I could tell that Adela was screaming her head off on the inside.

We started walking around and went to get lunch because it had been a while since we ate. We went to a pizza place that was near the venue and ordered a margarita pizza, since we were all vegetarians.

After we finished, we walked out and walked inside the Macy's, which is where the show was.

When the show was about to start, I could see that there were a bunch of girls all around, and there were about 1000 people there in total. It was crazy. They were all screaming, and I practically went deaf because Adela was also screaming in my ear.

He walked out and all of the screams were getting louder. It finally died down once he started strumming his guitar and singing.

By the time that he was telling all the fans to sing, I couldn't take it anymore, so I told Adela that I was going to go find a bathroom, but all I did was walk outside. I needed some fresh air REALLY bad right now.

I just took sips of my water and sat down on a bench while I looked at people's snapchat stories.

It felt like forever before Adela texted me saying that the show was over, but THANK GOD! I was starting to fall asleep on that bench and thought that I could've gotten kidnapped.

I got up and walked to one side of the Macy's, but I guess I went the wrong way, because I didn't recognize anything. I went on my phone to try and find a map of the it, but ended up bumping into someone.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I was on my phone and I-" I was cut off by the person talking over me.

"No, no. It's fine. I wasn't paying attention either. I have an addiction to my phone too, don't worry about it." I was shocked by this statement because, well, I'm NOT addicted to my phone!

"I'm NOT addicted to my phone. I was just looking for a map to get around this place." I said, kind of annoyed. While I was still searching for a map when this guy lifted my chin up with his hand. I thought I had seen him before and it only took me a few seconds to recognize him. He's Daniel freaking Skye.

"Are you Daniel Skye?" He just smiled. "Well? Are you?" It looked as if he had kind of just stared off into space, but the weird thing was that he was still looking at me.

"Hello?" He finally came back to reality.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Holy crap. This wasn't good. I can't believe I just ran into him. That was the absolute LAST thing I wanted to do.

"Great." I sounded upset, but I meant to do that.

"What? Do you not like me or something?" He asked, while he pretended to be hurt inside.

"Actually that is completely and 100% correct."

"Oh." I think he actually took that to offense. Oh well. He tried hiding it but I could still see the hurt on his face as I looked at him.

"Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you but my friend dragged me here."

"Sure," he said with a smirk on his face, "I don't see her around..." Well he was just cocky now.

"That's because she was INSIDE watching YOUR show."

"Okay, sure, whatever you say." Oh my god. He's really freaking annoying. But then some of the fans saw him and started running towards him while screaming.

"Okay, well, bye now. I see my friend and her mom." I said, kind of panicked since all of those girls were practically sprinting.

"Yeah, bye." He smirked again when he said that. Wow.

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Back In Connecticut

For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that moment I had with him earlier today. Adela kept asking where I went and I just kept brushing her off.

She finally asked me what I was thinking about, and I just kind of sat there with a blank face.

"Uh, I kind of, uh, bumped into Daniel Skye when the show ended..." I was kind of nervous for her response.


"Because I was scared of you reacting like this!" She looked mad but I could tell that she was just playing.


"Yeah, or something." I said a little disappointed.

"What if you guys, like, fall in love?!?" Well that would be a disaster.

"I really hope not."

"You seem like you're lying... DO YOU LIKE HIM?!"

"Of course not!" Or at least I don't think I do...

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Idk though, should I do a "Daniel's POV"? COMMENT PLEASE

Love you!

Do what you love without being ashamed of it!!!

See you guys next time!

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