Chapter 2: How Swimming Can Make You Realize A Lot of Things

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Author's Note:

Just to letchaa all know, I'm having a lot of fun writing this. It's... cute. ;) you know, a little fantasy all of us with big brothers can have. And I plan on finishing this, so I need motivation! At least vote! I can deal with no comments, but what about all those views and *zip*? :"( It makes me sad. Oh well. :/<3 You know I love you all. The views even excite me. XD



I blinked my blurred vision away to see Mason with his arms crossed, standing above me. He had stayed the night yesterday because he'd stayed later than he was supposed to and called his parents to see if he could sleep over. It happened a lot, so it wasn't anything special by any standards.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Get up. Do you want to be late for when Katie magically shows up? We both know she's coming to apologize."

"Grr. Fine! I'll get up. Just get out."

"If I leave, you're not going to get up." Ah, he knew me so well.

I frowned and let my eyes shut. "You're annoying, Mason."

"That's why I'm in here," he retorted.

I sat up and stretched, knowing I was defeated. When I had finished rubbing my eyes, I saw Mason appraising me up and down. It had been hot last night, so I had worn a pair of very short shorts that were obviously in the danger zone and had paired it with a tight blue tank top. The sleepwear outfit was all too revealing.

"I'm getting dressed. Shoo," I said, slightly uncomfortable. I mean, I'm not oblivious to male desires. But come on. My body isn't even that amazing. I'm pretty sure he's had past girlfriends with more curves.

Mason didn't move an inch. "Aw, come on. Why don't I stay and watch? You know, we can bond---"

"You're a perv," I said defiantly and crossed my arms over my chest. I gave him a deep glare. Finally, he sighed and took a step back.

"And you're no fun. And you also know I'm kidding." He winked and stuck his tongue out at me childishly and strode out the door. Quickly, before he could come back in, I grabbed my clothes and a towel and went into the bathroom. I took a refreshing shower and then dressed in a pair of short denim shorts and a creamy green tank top. I thought the outfit looked good with my hair and skin tone.

I jogged downstairs where my mom was already serving breakfast. Mason and Collin were hungirly scarfing down their plates. I sat on the bench and accepted the plate that was handed to me. My mom quickly left the kitchen to go get dressed for work.

Neither had looked at me since I sat down. Finally, Collin glanced over, and his eyes widened. "You're not wearing another tank top?" he asked incredulously.

At this - the big, giant perv - Mason looked at me too. His eyebrows rose.

Unabashed, I replied, "It's so hot! What do you think I'm going to do? I can't just go take off my shirt like you two can!" I waved wildly at their shirtless torsos. Stupid air conditioning not working. "I am not a guy."

"I vote that you take a chance," Mason commented teasingly.

I ignored him. Collin was looking just a tad pissed. Pffft. We all know Mason is a tease; he wouldn't try anything with me. Not that I would mind. I was strictly off limits - I was Collin's little sister and also his best friend.

"Star, at least put on a t-shirt," he pleaded.

"It's Mom's decision to make me wear something else. She didn't have a problem with it. So just deal." I bit into my bacon. The matter was settled. Stupid summer and your heat.

Mason and Collin were in the living room playing another video game when the doorbell rang. I opened it to see...


I frowned and crossed my arms. I still hadn't forgiven her for bringing Aaron over without my permission. Especially so unexpectedly.

"I'm sorry about Aaron," she said with a sigh. Her dark hair was wrapped in a neat pony tail and her small, petite figure seemed to sag. "It was beyond wrong to bring him over here and just barging in like that. I mean, he really likes you, Star. What human male - even female, really, if they're a lesbian - thing could resist falling for you?"

"Katie...." I shrugged, defeated. "Fine, you can be erased off of my 'bad people' list. As long as you don't pull anything like that again. Okay?"

"Okay, okay," she replied eagerly, her blue eyes dancing. "Mason is here, right?"


"Awesome. Then we can all get in the swimming pool." She fanned herself. "Jeez Louise, you guys need to get that air conditioner fixed."

I grimaced. "Tell me about it."

"Well...pool time!"

Eccentric little Katie burst into the living room. I trailed after her. "Guess what, you two?" she announced, beaming. "We're going swimming!"

The two guys shared a glance, then nodded. "All right," Collin gave in.

Since Mason hadn't brung a swimsuit of his own, he borrowed one of Collin's. And, no, not what you're thinking - ew! Collin gave him a pair that he hadn't worn before because they were too ugly for his style. I don't know how he did, but Mason still managed to look great in them. Hey, he has a six pack.

 Mason and Katie raced outside to the backyard before Collin and I. Collin scratched the back of his head and said to me, "Are you liking any guys?"

I stopped abruptly and stared at him. "What?"

"I said, are you liking any guys?" he repeated, looking very uncomfortable.


It was a lie.

Because, if I had to be truthful to myself, I kind of had a huge crush on Mason. He he? I mean, I wasn't about to tell anybody about it because it's just way too embarrassing. But I was crushing. And crushing hard.

Was it just me or was Collin looking guilty? Why?

"Okay. Are you sure?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Yesyesyesyes. How awkward can this get?" I groaned. We started walking again. Once we reached the chairs, I pulled off my tank top and denim shorts -- ignoring Mason's lingering glance -- and closed my eyes against the sun.

I had just begun to relax, dozing ever so slightly, when two muscly arms wrapped themselves around me. "Eek!" I shrieked as Mason scooped me up. "Put me down! Put me down! I SWEAR IF YOU DO IT--!"

And he threw me in the pool.

"You jerk!" I spluttered, but my laughter kind of ruined my "I-am-pissed-off-at-you-very-much-right-now" act. I flicked water at him, but it seemed not to affect him. He dove into the pool, creating a splash that I avoided by quickly ducking under the surface.

We all played around in the water for a little while more until Katie declared out of the blue that she had to go home. I think she just got bored. That girl simply didn't have a long attention span. I sometimes wondered if she had ADD.[A/N Anybody with ADD out there, please don't get offended. Hell, my brother has ADD, so you can't really say anything:P:3)

Mason, after a few hours of whipping them both at Mortal Kombat (as a girl ninja character, most the time Jade, I might add)Mason got a text from his mom saying that he needed to come home. So he got in his car and left.

All in all, it was an enjoyable day. But one thing kept bugging me; I shouldn't have a crush on my brother's best friend. The horrors. For one, he was my brother's best friend. Awkward. Number two, he was older. Okay, I didn't really see how that makes much of a difference since he only recently got out of school and I was going into my senior year, but I was looking for excuses. Number three, so many girls pictured him as their future husband. What made me any different from the rest of his female fan club?

And number four, he was so out of my league.

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